This project aims to share information about the small Jewish community of Sommerach, Bavaria, and to serve as a connection point for profiles with ties to the community.
Sommerach is located near Kitzingen, in the Lower Franconia (Unterfranken) region of Bavaria, Germany.
Wikipedia article on the Jewish community of Sommerach (in German)
The Synagogue in Sommerach, article from Allemania-Judaica (in German)
Excerpt: "The synagogue in Sommerach was built on the basis of the official approval of 1810 in the following year 1811 (information from Elisabeth Böhrer on the basis of a letter received in the StA Würzburg dated 29.4.1817). It was used until 1873 for services. After the dissolution of the Jewish community, it was sold and last used as a workshop and garrison. Torah scrolls and rituals mostly came to the synagogue in Kitzingen. 1908 were in the Kitzinger synagogue: a Torah scroll from the community Sommerach and two Torah mantles and Torah silver jewelry (Tass, Ez-Chaim and Jad). Even in the 1980s, the largest part of the building fabric was completely preserved, also the original entrance door and numerous original windows. Nevertheless, the building was demolished on May 23, 1991."
There is a paywalled article about Jewish families from Sommerach / Kitzingen in the Main-Post, 3 Dec 2006.
Some Sommerach community members are buried in the large Jewish Cemetery in Rödelsee, Bavaria. A small number of graves in the cemetery have been photographed, though not specifically those of people from Sommerach.