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Jewish Families from Štědrá (Stiedra) , Czech Republic

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  • Beer Kohorn (1793 - d.)
    Birth date inconsistent with date of birth os eg Simon (born c 1790) Jiři Danda (MyHeritage) has date of death of Beer Kohorn as 5 June 1791 BUT wife named as Sussman (not Löwi) (Michael Hermann)
  • Oskar Kohorn (1883 - 1941)
    Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs: Kohorn, Oscar Oskar geboren am 27. August 1883 in Stiedra / Luditz / Sudetenland wohnhaft in Berlin Deportationsziel: ab Berlin 27. November 1941, Riga ...
  • Richard Kohorn (1878 - 1942)
    BEČOV NAD TEPLOU (o. Karlovy Vary) 24 O 1840-1924 (i) image 4113. 05. 1878Last residence before deportation: Prague XIIAddress/place of registration in the Protectorate: Prague XII, V Horní Stromovce 2...
  • Adele Sara Deutsch (1877 - d.)
    WEdding record 1903 Vienna
  • František Kohorn (1915 - 1944)
    Kohorn František born 14.08.1915 transport R - number 904 (18.01.1942 Plzeň -> Terezín) transport Ds - number 880 (18.12.1943 Terezín -> Auschwitz) died last place before deportation: Plzeň registratio...

This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Štědrá (Stiedra), Czech Republic.

Records book: []

ŠTĚDRÁ 2022 O 1801-1874 (zápisy nejdou chronologicky) N 1801-1885 (i; zápisy nejdou chronologicky) Z 1800-1839, 1845-1874