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Jewish Families from Bílina (Bilin), Bohemia, Czech Republic

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  • Rudolf Klein (1883 - aft.1941)
    Death record: Born 25. 02. 1883 Last residence before deportation: Prague I Address/place of registration in the Protectorate: Prague I, U obecního dvora 4 Transport D, no. 181 (31. 10. 1941...
  • Hugo Abeles (1873 - d.)
    Marriage record: PRAHA 2707 O 1911 (i) (27/58)
  • Max Eduard Kohn (1905 - d.)
    Birth record: BÍLINA (o. Teplice) 80 N 1896-1934 (10/13)
  • Artur Fantl (1879 - d.)
    Birth record: TEPLICE 2075 N 1866-1886 (400/567)Marriage record: ÚSTÍ NAD LABEM (o. Ústí nad Labem) 2280 O 1870-1918 (92/146)
  • Charlotte Hoffmann (1885 - aft.1944)
    Death record: Born 02. 05. 1885* Last residence before deportation: Prague XIV* Address/place of registration in the Protectorate: Prague XVI, Oldřichova 21* Transport AAp, no. 648 (09. 07. 1942, Pragu...

This project seeks to collect all the Jewish families from the town of Bílina (Bilin) in Bohemia, Czech Republic.

