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Jewish Families from Bibra (Thüringen), Germany

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  • Berta Irene Katz (1917 - d.)
    Date/place of birth in Siegfried Wolf, Juden in Thüringen 1933-1945: Biographische Daten . (2000). In Wolf, Irene is identified as "Bertha" * Identified as daughter of Max Katz, b. 1881 in Bibra, and L...
  • Bertha Steinberg (1863 - 1932)
  • Ida Sachs (1859 - 1867)
  • Charlotte Sachs (deceased)
  • Selig Samuel Gassenheimer (1849 - 1926)
    S. Meen, The Family of Isaac and Maile Gassenheimer, and "The Family of Samuel Gassenheimer" Year of birth in Birth date/place in Gassenheimer Descendant Report (Courtesy: N. Ackman) Identified a...

This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Bibra (Thüringen), Germany.

Jews settled in Bibra in the late Middle Ages, but were expelled again and again during the 16th century. In 1678, eight Jewish families lived in Bibra and by 1833 the Jewish population was 104 (25 % of the total population). A building housing the synagogue, the school, and the teacher's apartment was erected in 1846. The Jewish population was 105 in 1900 and 57 in 1925. When the Nazis came to power in 1933, Jews started to emigrate, most leaving before the outbreak of war. The synagogue was sold before Kristallnacht (9-10 November 1938) but Jewish homes were vandalized. The last seven Jews were deported during the war.

Article from "The Encyclopedia of Jewish life Before and During the Holocaust". First published in 2001 by NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS; Copyright © 2001 by Yad Vashem Jerusalem, Israel.