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Jewish Families from Dieveniskes (Divenishok)

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  • Avram Rogatnick (c.1805 - d.)
    Revision listLVIA/381/11/1583This record is from the LitvakSIG All Lithuania Database (about LitvakSIG) - - [187x]KonwaliszkiOshmiany / [Ashmyany]?Vilnius ROGATNIK, Abram Itskovich / [itsko] headM app...
  • Ben Zion Schneider (1899 - 1941)
    was co-administrator of shul with Shmuel haCohen Khrszn and Yeshayahu Kaplan
  • Libke Ahuva Schneider (1925 - 1941)
  • Khanne Lipkunski (1924 - 1943)
    GEDCOM Source ===Yad Vashem
  • Binyamin Lipkunski (1928 - 1943)
    plays in music ensemble Dieveniskes Yizkor Book, p136, with Khesl Herszon and Eliahu Rogol GEDCOM Source Yad Vashem

This projects seeks to gather the Jewish families from Dieveniskes, Lithuania (aka Divenishok, Jevenishok (Yiddish), Devenishki [Russian] , Dziewieniszki [Polish] , Dzievianiski [Belarusian]).

Lat: 54° 12' N, Long: 25° 37' E; 36 Miles SSE of Vilnius; Kalelishok (aka Konvalishki) is an adjacent settlement of one street and a few houses that is included in this project

Family Surnames Found Until Now in Dieveniskes:

Of particular focus in this project will be for descendants of the town to post their photos (including any written information appurtenant to the photos) so that others may assist in identifying unknown persons in the photos. Please see upload your photos to the 'Documents and Photos' page and don't forget to 'tag' any persons you know in the photos, or that you recognize in other peoples's photos. Scroll over photos to see prior identifications.

When adding photos, please include any known facts such as the year, the event, etc., in the 'Description' box that appears after the photo has been uploaded.

Please add your families to this project so we can work together to find connections. Add the profiles for one person in each family that you have documented. That way we can try to find connections between trees and in cases where the existing vital records and revision lists have gaps. Collaborator Adam Cherson has an extensive database of Divenishok families: please post inquiries to the database as new discussions.