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Jewish Families from Eggenburg, Horn District, Lower Austria, Austria

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  • Elsa Stein (1897 - 1978)
    Family photo: Youngest standing in between parents (15th child born) Birth: VELKÉ MEZIŘÍČÍ (o. Žďár nad Sázavou) 2322 N 1873, 1874 (i) 1876-1908 (i pro každý rok; jednotlivé zápisy od roku 1849) 1908-...
  • Fritz Zeilinger (1847 - 1922)
  • Albertine Löwy (1922 - 1942)
  • Fanni Kraupa (1850 - 1897)
    Marriage NAD 167 Catalogue number: 1646 Chapter: KOLODĚJE NAD LUŽNICÍ (o. České Budějovice) Inventory number: inv. č. 849• kn • 849 Book Title: O 1874-1889, 1891, 1893-1898, 1903-1923, 1926-1944 image ...

Eggenburg is a town in the district of Horn in Lower Austria, Austria.

Jews lived in Eggenburg during the entire 14th century. They suffered from the persecution that followed the host desecration accusation of Pulkau in 1338. During 1348-1378 a Jew called David continued to live in Eggenburg.

In 1408, two Jewish families resided in today’s Kremsergasse (Kremser Street), where they appear to have maintained a synagogue. In 1516 Jews who were expelled from Laibach moved to Eggenburg which was a border town where Jews were allowed to settle. In 1544 the Jews were expelled from Eggenburg too.