Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs:
Lump, Bernhard Baruch
geboren am 29. Februar 1872 in Wüstensachsen / Gersfeld / Hessen-Nassau wohnhaft in Fulda und Berlin (Schöneberg)
Deportation: ab Ber...
Babette's parents were horse traders in Fulda, according to her death certificate. Moeller wrote in 2017: Babette ran a cookshop since (about) 1845. She managed the citicenship of Gerson Birkenruth in ...
Hessen government records say that Sarah married the merchant Manuel Fleischmann, 31, from Wurzburg, in 1885. when she was 33. She got married in Fulda, Hessen 18 March 1885.
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