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Jewish Families from Lomnice (Lomnitz), Moravia, Czech Republic

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  • Isak David Müller (b. - 1795)
  • Rebeka Singer (1824 - d.)
  • Fanni Friedman (1817 - d.)
  • Jakob Bauer (1872 - d.)
    Marriage record: PRAHA 2712 O 1916 (i) (7/27)
  • Jan Líbezný (1923 - 2006)
    Transports: Ah from Brno to Theresienstadt 4.4.1942, Passange No.526 Eb from Theresienstadt to Auschwitz 18.5.1944, Passenger No.2242 Survive, Liberate in Schwarzheide Camp

Entry points for the Jewish families in Lomnice:

  1. David Bäck
  2. Leopold Bauer
  3. Josef Beck
  4. Koppel Böhm
  5. Joachim Braun
  6. Josef Brodi
  7. Gerson Butter
  8. Joachim Deutsch
  9. Josef Eisler
  10. Ephraim Elsner
  11. Salomon Engel
  12. Aron Fischer
  13. Moses Flatter
  14. Edel Flügelmann
  15. Aron Goldmann
  16. Elias Gottlieb
  17. Jakob Handofsky
  18. Jakob Häutler
  19. Veit Hecht
  20. Samuel Heski
  21. Solomon Hofmann
  22. Abraham Klein
  23. Abraham Kohn
  24. Lazar Kolben
  25. Jakob Knödel
  26. Joachim Liebesny
  27. Simon Maier
  28. David Müller
  29. Abraham Reichner
  30. Joachim Schirenz
  31. Chaim Schwarz
  32. Leopold Skutetzky
  33. Abraham Spitz
  34. David Stern
  35. Bernhard Swoboda
  36. Veit Vogel
  37. Mosche Wossike
  38. Moses Zeisel

Die Jüdische Gemeinde in Lomnice

History of the Jews in Lomnice

(worked on by Hugo Gold)

The settlement of Jews in Lomnice is to put on the time of 1710-1720. This statement made "Vlastiveda moravska II.-I. 20., S.325". There is written that the Jews came from Lysice to Lomnice.

In an handwritung, which is written by Michael Zeisel, a man from Lomnice, and is named "Nachklänge aus verschollenen Zeiten oder Lomnitz in den Jahren 1813-1843. Angaben, die ich ganz treu, wie sie mein Gedächtnis mir erhalten, dem geehrten Leser wiedergebe." ( Sounds of lost times, which I whole truly give back to the honored reader, how my memory has preserved.) is to be read about the foundation of the jewish community: "When also all signs confirm that at least Lomnice had been a settlement 150 years ago, nevertheless we had it to equalized with the verbal tradition, in which before these times this place never had been a jewish community in its real meaning. These qualities had been entitled to the neighbouring LYSICE. They had been entitled to LOMNICE after the owners of the land the Earl of Lysice and the Earl of Lomnice, both of them had made an agreement in its meaning and sense for eternal times."

After a legend both the landowner had been supposed to make a change. The Earl of Lysice gave to the Earl of Lomnice two jews for a "Rüde, das sind 2 Paar" (that means: two pairs) of dogs. These two jewish families had been the first jewish settlers in Lomnice.

The "Lahnenregister (Sign.269 des L.A.Brünn)" - that means the register of vassels in Brno - shows:

SEE Page 1, left site

From this time Lomnice got the historical importance against the place of Lysice and nobody thought of Lysice as a jewish community.

At this time Lomnice counted at least 79 families.........Been asked the head of the jewish community told to the authority of the country, that in Lomnice there were living 56 families at this time, what the authority knowledged and for the further time,too, only 56 families allowed. This number agrees with the edition by Scari (Systematische Darstellung, usw.),who for the year of 1798 the number of systematized Families with 56 registered: these are 606 souls and 5 tolerated.

A later improvement of the community, that there not only 56 bat 79 jewish families existed, had been without success. It remained the permission only for 56, the other 23 surplus.

It is known, that a jew only had been allowed to found a household (to marry), if he got a family place. Zeisel writes about it: "If at the allocation of a finished family place there is no other suitable applicant than a descendant of a surplus,

what very seldom happened, such a surplus got in the row and rights of a legal owner of a family place for himself and his descendants as a legal inheritance..........A lot of unmarried people, in their native community not being able to get a family place, acquired in Czech or in Hungaria the right to marry; some lived without marrying. Therefore there had been in the communities

legal families surplus czech families such, who married in Hungary such, who married without legal right (emigrants - magrants) and last such, who lived without marriage. Very interesting information we get of the following file of the former "Statthaltereiarchivs des Landesarchivs in Brünn" (Sign.J182). This document shows us the grieves of the small communities. The file begins with the words:

"Mit weinenden Augen und gebogenem Herzen fallen wür arme L.F.G. zu Eines Hochlöbl. K.K. Landes Gubernii gnädigsten Füssen."

This sentence is not possible to translate in his real sense. I will try to come near it: "With crying eyes and turning heard we fall down to the honored feet of our

Highly praised......... head of the country."

One of the jewish houses, which being only a few and built of wood, for very long times serving as a hospital, where ill travellers were nursed and also serving for a rituell bath for the women, had been in such way dilapidated and rotten that it was a danger for the live of people. Therefore the community thought to have to built a new one or at least to renovate it. But being the bath too small, they wanted to make it bigger for a Klafter at the same time. The necessary land they liked to buy from a catholic neighbor, who was willing to sell it. Therefor the jews asked for the permission for the construction and for the buying; but this had not been permitted to them. They wanted to avert the danger for live and so they supported the house with stones, the rotten walls with small plugs (schmale Druppel), the chimneys were repaired with burned bricks "as in their building".

Because of this the jews had been reported by the Rentmeister Franz Jordansky, and the hospital had been closed on the 5th of August. Farther it is said: "It is sure we are innocent, we do not have repaired anything, what not have been necessary. We have with truth showed our reasons to the authorities, and asked for the opening of the hospital. Because of the mosaic law and jewish ritualls

we cannot do without the spring-bath for our women, which is in this house, not only one day. So long as this spring-bath is closed, our women are forced to travel in greatest danger two miles of way to another community besides of expensis. With consciousness of their right they askes for an anbiassed examination and announced they had to run away, if the bath would not be opened. On August, 23th the Mastery allowed the examination, but the jews had to pay the expensis and the rentmeister had to be there to protect the rights of the Mastery, and all of them also were showed that he is ready to give with pleasure to the jews "Entlassungsbriefe" (That means, they would have the right to go away without punishment). The jews asked therefor at the Gubernium to beginn with the examination at the cost of the underlaying part, because they had with the "innwendigeReparationdurchaus nichts wider die Schnur gegriefen" - with the repair of the inside they did nothing forbidden, because for the community it was not able to stay without this bath, and they should be protected, because in the year 1765 the Kontributions-Hauptreparation corresponding to the added Konsignation had been made higher from 343 fl.37 1/4 paid till today to 700 fl. (therefor higher for 356 fl.22 3/4), and actually Jordansky had been guilty for all this, the bath "not obligatory" to open, and they also engaged themselves, if they should found guilty against their expecting the repair to annul and to be punished "nach gnädigstem Willen"- after most gracious will.

This dokument has the following underwritings:

Marcus Zeisel Juden Richter

Isaac Zophen geschwohrener

Michl Joseph geschwohrener im Nahmen

Der ganzen Lomnitzer Judengemeinde.

At August 29th, 1766 the petition had been given to the Kreishauptmann of Brno (district authority) who had to cause the opening of the bath. He announced on July 20th, 1767 to the Gubernium, that in the meantime because of his letter the authorities had given the bath free. The Hauptmann being absent the examination had been made by his substitute Freiherr Josef von Beer, who showed the protokoll to his superior on June 5th, 1767. On May 25th and May 26th had been the diskussion in Lomnice. There had been present: The Oberamtmann Johann Prochaska and the "of the Authorities for special substitute named Rentmeister"; for the jews the Landessollizitator Singer,the jurors Abraham Marcus, Bernard Marcus, Marcus Abraham and of the comittee Marcus Seydl, Abraham Marcus and Isaac Sziasny. The substitutes of the Majesty explained, that it had been forbidden for the jews to built the bath-house of good material and to make it bigger, because the most highly "Generation" had ordered it in this way; the Mastery had closed this house not only because the community "nicht nur inwendig mit gutten materialien reparieret, und äusserlich erweiteret" had repaired it inside with good material, but also had made it on the outside bigger without to be able to turn out a Gubernialdekret.

The jews denied this agreement and affirmed to have make the bath bigger not only for a finger, but only because of the danger of a downfall they had repaired it "mit theils Zügln und Lehm" with some bricks and loam. And they had made higher the ground-wall for 2 shoes instead of 1 prop. To the objektion of Jordansky, that a jewish wooden house is not allowed to be built with other materials, the jewish deputy explained, that they had no knowledge of it; especially Singer opposed him saying: that it happens in all jewish communities

in this way, and he himself had restored his house in Prossnice, which had been built of wood, by good material without any objection some years ago. As the commission asked Jordansky to show the Generalien or to describe them nearer,

he was not able to do this, but he explained, that his Master had ordered him to appeal to the Generalien "und ein solches als den Haubt-gegenstand in Sachen der Lokal Comihsion vorzustellen". Singer proved himself as an able substitute and gave to protocoll the following three points of trouble:

The jews of Lomnice are restricted by her Mastery in such way, that every owner of a house has to ask at the smallest architectural change, even he wants to put an oven in a room or to make from a small room a better room, he has no right to do so, and he needs to ask for a permission, which is always difficult to get, and it is to pay for it, therefor the rent for the ground is also increasing every year. Beside the rent for the ground of 120fl., being likely paid, had been introduced a rent for kosher wine of 10 fl."vor ohndenklichen Zeiten" a very long time ago (for the import and to serve it), but which 14 years ago had been made higher for just 12 fl. in a year. Three years ago the selling of wine had be taken away from the jewish community and given to a privat man (it has been 1764 Löbl Zeissl,who paid 35 fl. a year and 1766 David Wolff, who payd 43 fl.a year for the wine-rent and pays ist still). This doing had been for this reason a damage, because the jews are not able to buy the wine somewhere else, but the wine ist worser than before, and out of this the benefit of the wine-rent of all communities comes to the kindness of the Kontribution. The authorities but also made to the jews having houses nearby, not only difficulties for the permission to move, but they had to pay instead of 2 fl.or mostly 4 fl., now 5 or 6 fl. till 2 Dukates. The Rentmeister answered himself for all these complaints in this way, that the bare rent of the jews is 120 fl., but ist posted with 150 fl., such that the Mastery feels to be entitled to do so, because of the difference of 30 f. , for a "zu besserer Bewohnung adaptirten jüdischen Hauss" to a better living repaired house to demand a higher rent. On this the jews explained, that not until the acceleration of Jordansky such increases had been made. As far as the wine-rent concerned, the rentmeister explained, that the two privat tenants had made themselves their offer, and they had "zu ihren besseren Nutzen und auf eigenen antrieb deren Juden" die Zinsungen " ein höheres quantum dermahlen gebracht" - been guilty for the higher rent for their own advantage -.The paid rent or money for protecting had been for the jews moving to strange "Bestand"houses , from very old times 2, 3, 4 or 8 fl., with the reason, that the Mastery through the lost of a jew "in ordine consumptionis, an hier, and victualien-Verschleiss, etwas entgeht" does loose the rents paid by them, but the authorithies would never had been fallen onto to make higher these amounts, if the jews hade not made themselves this offer of rent.

Afterwards visited the Comission the Bath-house. Inside there had been found a small prespace, a small room, which served as a hospital, and a very small room the spring-bath. It had been recognized, that the repair had been necessairy at any rate, because the "Bollwerk" (walls) had been totally rotten and full of worm-holes. The comission, the servants of the Mastery, too, had to admit the house not being made bigger.

Out of this document we learn also, that the jews of Lomnice, Salomon and Jelinek, had made higher their houses by one floor and had walled up a room or respictively had made from a small room a better room and they had paid for it 1 fl. Or 3 fl.These houses had been visited, too. Moreover Calsany announced, that the mastery had pulled down his little housegarden and its fence, behind it he stored his wood, and the mastery did not allow him to built his "privet" outside of the house, for which in the house is no place. Jordansky confessed also the authorities had ordered to pull it down, and he told that the jews are only allowed to use so much place outside their houses "as far as namely a roofdrop falls". Czisany had made arbitrary the little garden, he could not show a license related to it. Because the house of Czigany needs indispensable a place, that means to have a privet to keep the needed cleanliness and healthiness, Herr von Beer proposed, that the jews outside of the house shall built an WC " by what this passus had been removed".

Th dispatch of the Gubernium (Konzept) appealed to the protocoll of the commission, respectivily to the report of the Kreishauptmannschaft (authorities of the district) and applied to the order of the fire-brigade of 1751, in which a penaltry of 15 Reichsthaler is fixed for it, if one of the houses on the countryside is built of wood. The expandation of the bathhouse stayed forbidden, but it will be allowed for the jewish community to built it by bricks, loam or so on. In the same it was with the other jewish houses. Without permission of the Mastery was no recovery possible. The authorities had to look for it, that there were no new jewish settlers."Doch ist auch anderer Seite wohl fürzudenken, damit sothane obrigkeitl. Obsicht nicht etwa in unnötige Anstände und den jüdischen Contribuenten Bedrückende Beschwerlichkeit Aussarten möge" - But from the other sidethere is also to be thought, that the intention of the authorities will not degenerate in unnecessairy objection and for jewish people oppressing difficulties -. Concerning to the rent of the houses, the community were not able to show anything to their favour, and for the authorities is said "it is not possible to have the hand being closed for the way of fairness" in the way of approving they may not close their hand. However the way of complaying stayed open for the jewish community. The same it was with the rent on cosher vine and the money of the license for jews, who emigrated from Lomnice.

The synagoge was a modern built building of bricks built in the years 1780-1785; thanks to a later time its furnishing of the inside is made; thus the imposing holy chest is posed as a spontaneous contribution of the merchant R.Leib Skutetzki, who was highly esteemed by all people and inspired for the jewish live. It is kept alive till today. The iron, articial formed, heavy gilded staked building of the Almemors, an artificial work of the locksmith Raphael König of Myslice,and had been bought with the money of the community, and and with 2 staircases on the north side and the south side had been fixed in the middle of the synagoge. Some years ago through the radical changed form and the distribution of the sitting rows the desk got ist present position more to the east, and the 2 staircases were put on the westside. In the years 1830 till 1840 had been founded the men´s chorus and by the wish of just the most jewish people an organ had been bought. The organ was put in the very suitable women´s hall.

The German lessons the youth got by a teacher employed and paid by the Government, Sometimes he had been also a jew. For these lessons the parents had to pay only a very small amount. For the Hebraiic lessons the rich parents had to care for themselves; on the contrary for the orphans and the children of poor parents cared the jewish school manegement of the community and the Talmud-Toravereines (society for Talmud and Tora). Mite gifts brought also a not to scorned help. Out of the house teachers the youth were instructed in Bible and Talmud by teachers who had been subordinated by common schools. The hebraic grammar and knowledge of the newhebraic literatur had been taught to the least.

The Gemara Lessons laid in the hands of R.Josef Brodi Lewi and R. Mosche Fuchs-Senitz, whom also helped his son R.Jischok Fuchs. At the same time Baruch Schönfeld and R.Abraham Leib Kohn acquired considerable merits through their solid lessons in Hebraic in its full meaning.

But only for a short time the Hebraic lessons were given by Ignaz Schreiber, Jakob Taussig and Michael Zeisel. R. Stern taught the children mostly reading. At this time the higher sciences and higher arts had been of no great importance. The brothers Heinrich and Jakob Schreiber, the brothers Albert and Johann Handowski visited the Lyzeum (College) and promoved as surgeons; Aron Knedl, Meir Zeisel, Koppel Safir and Miss Chaje Sara Knedl made musical studies with eagerness.Who didn´t want to limit on primitive knowledge, had to look for private lessons and only in this way it was possible to find in Lomnice such men, as R.Abraham Skutetzki, R.Abraham Hofmann, R.Simcha Maier and Josef Fischer. During the period of office of the being in praiseworthy memory staying Rabbi Juda Schmidl bloomed in Lomnica a Jeschiwa visited by 16 pupils.

A main line of business for the jews in Lomnice had been the manufactory of woollen goods. The goods, which were manufactered there, were brought to the markets under name of "Lomnitzer Fabrikat" (made in Lomnice), where they had been greatly looked for.The washing of wool formed also a profitable business. Mostly tanner wool and furier wool, also handwashing wool and sweat wool were searched for, made without dust and sand, and cleaned from straw and small burdocks. In the wool being sweat had been removed on the warm way and than the wool had been washed carefully and dried.

Too, the black-tanning and white-tanning had been getting to swing. In opposite to it the manufactoring of clapper-spaces were vanishing in a high grade. Also the furiery had been spread out.

The commerce, if not very blooming, but was carefully looked after and ran.

The commerce with wool and in this district manufactered woollen clothes from it was cared for with love and brisk carried on. Only twice the year at the wool shearing some jews were occupied with buying the wool direct of the owner of sheeps. The whole year they found subcustomer under the there living in a big number of wool-traders. Commerce with textil and linen, especially the rude kinds enjoyed great attention. Succesfull occupation had been for a lot the commerce with all kinds of raw leather and fleeces.

The Rabbis in Lomnice:

In the year 1791 after a notification of Dr.H.Flesch-Kanitz was Juda Löb b.Salman ha Levi Rabbi in Lomnice. In the year 1791 we find in thePinax(?) of Lomnice an appeal to subscribe gifts for the Building of the temple; this appeal is is underwritten by him. Dr.Wachstein, Vienna, named a Josef Josef ha-Levi as Rabbinatsverweser in Brno in the year 1790, who had been later (already 1795) Rabbi in Lomnice.

In the manuscript of Zeisel there are the following Rabbis:

Josef Schreiber, borne in Leipnik.

Juda Schmidt, borne in Ivancice (Eibenschitz). His wife Nechomoh was the daughter of Moses ha-Kohen Karpeles, Rabbi in Boskovice( Boskowitz).

Of this marriage comes.

The well-known Rabbi Dr.Abraham Schmiedl Josef (died) Fanny, married to the Rabbi of Loschitz Neuda, and Reizl. Jakob Knedl, Rabbinatsverweser and Talmud-teacher, was his successor.

Chaim Altenstein, borne in Meserice (Meseritsch).

Dr.Simon Wolfsohn, borne 1839 in Thorn, was 1883-1885 Rabbi in Kanice (Kanitz), 1885-1887 in Mährisch Kromau and from 1887-1919 in Lomnice. He died in Brno, and he is buried there. After his death the Rabbinat was not occupied because of the destroing of the community and Dr.Max Grünfeld from Brno was ordered as Rabbinatsverweser. He has this duty till today.

Through a lot of years Isak Schiller worked as a Mayor and as Kultusvorsteher Ignatz Skutetzki, Josef Fischer (1885-1895, Siegfried Zeisel, Elias Zeisel, Georg Deutsch. He had been followed by Max Zeisel, who had the duty of a Kultusvorsteher from 1913 till 1919; at this time he lives in Brno. After the overturn the political jewish community had been destroyed and the jews were closed to the Christian community. The next Kultusvorsteher was Moritz Libesny, who worked till the year 1926.

At the April 1st of this year Stabskapitän Hermann Grün was named for a representative of the authorithies with a dekret of the political departement.

This was a natural following of the whole destroying of this jewish community, too, which this community could also not escape.

In a short time the few families, still living in Lomknice, will be closed to the

Jewish Kultusgemeinde (Community) by a decition af the Ministery.

But the people of Lomnice, living scattered all over the world, especially Brno and Vienna, are closed through a strong ribbon of identy, and every year they come back to the place where their ancestors lived and on the small romantic cemetery on the hill their last silent place found.


After a manuscript of Michael Zeisel we will give a list of the jewish population of Lomnice and the nearer countryside in the years 1813 till 1843. Out of the profession we will also give the name of all members of the family. The Meaning of the families´ histories will be given by a later time.

1. Chaim Altenstein, Rabbi

His predestors in office had been: Rab.Josl Schreiber, Rab.Juda Schmidl,

Rab.Jakob Knedl.

2. Josef Beck, trader in leather and "Winkelschreiber" (writer)

His wife Chele, borne Eisler from Boskowice.

Children: David, Abraham, civilian surgeon in Pohorelice, Menachem,

military surgeon, Michael und Hendl.

His brother Abraham had been Rabbi in Holice.

3. David Bäck, Rossoch, destiller of spirits.

His wife Machle.

Children: Mosche, Löb, Mordechai und Daniel.

4. Leopold (Laib) Bauer, bookbinder, Bassist and servant of school.

His wife Chane.

Children of the first marriage: Juda, Menachem, Simon, of

the second marriage: Baruch, Hirschl, Josef Chaim, Gitl und Jona.

5. Simon Bauer, Bookbinder.

His wife: Chaile (Gottlieb), son and daughter moved to Pest.

6. H. (Hirsch) Bauer, ritual butcher and trader in drapery.

His wife Thekla, borne Häutler.

7. Gerson Butter, Bookbinder.

His wife Malka.

Children Josef, Nathan, Simon, Salman.

8. G. (Gumprich) Braun, tailor of trousers.

His wife Chaje.

Children: Chaim, Hillel, Riwka.

9. Samuel Braun (soldier), trader in drapery.

10. Joachim Braun, trader in drapery.

His wife Beila, Tochter des Rab.Mosche Kaliz.

Children: Moritz, Simon.

11. Koppel Behm (Tomaschof), destiller of spirits.

His wife Chaile, borne Skutetzki.

Children: Meir, Lotti.

12. H. (Herz) Beer (Radomühl), destiller of spirits.

His second wife Chaile, borne Hofmann.

Sons: Gobrisch and Simon.

13. Emanuel (Mendel) Brüch, trader of wool, manufacturer of woolen products,

wine tavern.

His wife Reizl.

Children: Jakob, Abli, Machlah (Mandl), Zirl und Scheindl (Fanta).

14. Jakob Brüch, sensal of wool in Brno.

15. Josef (Gezls) Deutsch trader with meal.

Children: Meir Deutsch und Rosa.

16. Joachim (Gezls) Deutsch, trader with meal.

His wife Rachel.

Children: Getzl Dirnowitz Deutsch, Meir Deutsch. Tochter married to Rabbi

Mosche Häutler, Senitz .

17. Elias (Getzl) Deutsch (Dirnowitz).

His wife Miriam Scheindl. Children: Jehoschua, Josef und Mindl, married


18. Maier (Meir) Deutsch, dealer with corn in small quantities.

First wife Golde, daughter of Esterl Schwarz.

Second wife Nettle, widow after Josef Zeisel, Swittawa (Zwittau).

19. Josef (Chaim) Eisler.

Children: Menochem Eisller, Bistrice, Mosche Eisler, Kurim (Gurrein),

Esther Kon, Kralice, Fradl Knedl, Lomnice, Scheindl Häutler, Tisnov


20. Menachem Eisler (Bistrice), owner of tavern with destillery.

His wife Gittl, borne Böhm.

Children: Meir, Herrsch, Taube Zeisl und Golde Häutler.

21. Ephraim Elsner, glaziers trade.

His wife Chana, gaughter of Karpl Swoboda.

Children: Schlomo, Michael(Skalice), Josef, Gerson (died as a soldier in

war), Gittl, Itl und Treal.

His sisters and brothers: Izig Leib, Pesl Flügelmann, Hindl Klein.

22. Gimpl Engel, tavern with beer.

His brothers: Jakob, died unmarried, Salman Engel.

23. Salomon Engel, tavern keeper and manufacturer of woolen products.

His wife Nisl, borne Kellner.

Children: Bernhard, Julie Haas and Resi Skutetzki.

24. Bernhard (Ber) Engel, manufacturer of woollen products in Brno.

25. Moses (Moshe Aharon) Flatter, trader with raw lather.

Children: Josef, Feisch, Eleasar Haas, Robowicz, Meir and Michael.

26. Feit (Feisch) Flatter, Trader with wool and leather.

His wife Gitel, niece of Schmull Leib, sister of Schimon Molostowitz.

Sons: Chaim and Herschl.

27. Isajas (Jeschajohu) Fliegelmann, Trader with leather for shoemaker.

Do not live with his wife and 2 daughters. His mother Pesl, his unmarried

sister Chane.

28. Josef Flatter, Trade with feathers and raw leather.

His wife Rella, Molostowitz.

Children: Mordechai and Esterl.

29. Aron Fischer, trade with goods of colour.

His wife Lea, daughter of Josef König, Myslice (Misslitz).

Children: Josef, Schlomo Selde, Rachel, Beila and Ester.

30. Salomon Fischer, teacher, notar .

His wife Chawah, daughter of Meir Goldmann.

Children: Arnold, Josef, Wilhelm, Esther, Lea, Moritz, Dr.Robert,

Dr.Theodor and Dr.Georg.

31. Moses Fuchs (Senitz), talmud teacher in Lomnice.

Children: Jizchok, Abraham and Jochewed.

32. Isak (Jizchak) Fuchs (Senitz), teacher (Sammelschullehrer).

33. Jakob Gleisner coming from Aussee (Austria), teacher in Lomnice.

Son: Mendl, his helper in school.

34. Wolf Glaser

Children: Schlomoh and Sorl.

35. Elias (Elijahu) Gottlieb, manufacturer of cheese.

His wife Kreindl.

Children: Chaile Bauer, Machla Hecht, whose 3 sons had been managers of

the company named Brüder Hecht in Budapest, raw leather in big quantities.

36. Maier Gottlieb.

Children: Chawa Kolben and Vogl Jeruchmar.

37. Maier Goldmann, manufakturer in woolen goods.

His wife: Esterl, sister of David Müller.

Children: Chaim, Leb, Eduard, Rachel Vogl, Fradl Hofman, Chaja Sara

Flatter and Chawa Fischer.

His second wife: Iska Zeisl.

38. Jakob Hofman, dealer in meal.

He had been five times married.

His fivth wife Tscharne from Kromau (Krumlov).

Children: Gerschon, Mordechai, Perl Wohlmuth und Liebele Kohn.

39. Gerson (Gerschon) Hofman, manufacturer in cloth.

His wife Feigele, daughter of Josef König from Myslice.

Children: Abraham, Wolf (blind) died, Berl and Chaile Beer Radmühl.

40. Abraham Hofman, grocery shop, Factory of woolen goods.

His wife Anna Beer, daughter of Herz Radmühl.

Children: Alois and Agnes Beer.

41. Markus (Mordechai) Hofman, weaver of cloth.

His wife Kreindl, daughter of Schnuel and Ester Häutler.

Children: Klärl Müller and Jakob.

42. Josef (Jeruchim) Herrman (Lysice), manufacturer of potash, Advocat

without permission.

His wife Mindl Diamant from Trebice (Trebitsch).

Child: David.

Remark: Ludwig August Frankl had been the son of his sister.

43. Veitl Hecht (Pawlowitz), trade in linen.

His motherJittl Pawlowitz.

His wife Lea Jaborka.

Children: Leibesch Chaim, Selig, Schewa, married to Schabtiel and Lea


44. Leopold (Leibesch) Hecht, trader in linen, woolwashing.

His wife Odel daughter of Mosche Zeisl Ossiko.

He moved to Brno.

45. Samuel (Schmuel Leib) Heski, trader in raw leather.

His wife Blümele, sister of Meir Goldmann.

Children: Fradl (Fuchs marruied to Hungary), Kreindl, Rella und Reisel.

46. Jakob (Jakob Leib) Handofsky, Destiller in Pernstejn

His wife Hendl.

Children: Abraham (MuDr.Albert in Waizen), Jona (MuDr.Johann in

Wetzsche near Neutra), Emanuel, businessman in Vienna, Amalie

married to David Stern, Bettl died as a girl.

47. Bernhard (Beer) Häutler, trader with Leather for shoemaker.

Children: Mosche Häutler, Senitz, Leib B.R.B., Häutler and Schmuel

Häutler, Tisnov (Tischnowitz).

48. Moses Häutler (Senitz), Trader in wool.

His wife daughter of Chaim Götzl.

Children: Wolf, Leib und Abraham.

49. Samuel Häutler, trader in raw leather.

His wife Esterl.

Children of first marriage: Leib (Wondre), Meir.

Children of the second marriage: Mosche, Mendl, Kreindl Hofmann and

Thekla Bauer.

50. Damuel Häutler (Tischnowitz), owner of a shophouse with leather.

His wife Scheindl Eisler.

Children: Hirsch, Leib, Michael, Albert, Netti Böhm and Fanni.

51. Leopold (Leib B.R.B.) Häutler, dealer in leather for shoes

son: Mosche Häutler, Kantor in Loschitz

52. Leopold (Leib) Häutler (Bistrice), leather factory.

His wife Golde Eisler.

53. Leopold (Leib) Häutler (Wondre), dealer with raw leather.

His wife Frumet was a sister of Mordechai Fischer from

Meseritsch. Marriage without children.

54. Hermann Häutler (Hodonin), son of Schmuel Häutler of Tischnowitz


His wife Lotti Behm.

55. Emanuel (Mendel) Häutler, weaver of wool.

His wife Lea Hecht.

56. Michael Häutler (Vorkloster), manufacturer of woollen goods.

His wife Netti Ruberl

57. Abraham (Abraham Leib) Kohn, teacher, dealer of wine, small shop of all

sorts of daily needs (Greisler in German)

His wife Liebele Hofmann

Children: Jakob, Jossel, Mosche, Gerschon, Klärl und Lea, emigrated to


58. Moses (Mosche Kralitz) Kohn, tavern with destilleries.

His wife Ester Eisler

Children: Jiska Gotlieb, Beila, Libah Braun.

59. Abraham Krsipa, pedlar.

His wife Feigele Perkls.

Son Michael

60. Lasar (Leiser) Kolben, glazier.

His wife Chawah Gotlieb

Chuildren: Abraham, Berl, Gitl, Frumet and Zortl.

61. Abraham Kolben senior, glazier (Haas).

His wife Jitl Klein (Hindels).

Marriage without children

62. Abraham Kolben junior, son of Leiser Glaser and Chawah Kolben

63. Abraham Klein senior (Hindls). Trader with poultry.

His wife Hindl Elsner.

Children: Efraim, Josef Jitl Kolben.

64. Ephraim Klein, mercer.

His wife Rachel, daughter of Mosche Wossike.

Child: Abraham

65. Bernhard (Ber) Knödl, son of Jakob Knödl.

His second wife Fradl Eisler.

Children: Michael, Beila Zeisl, Chaja Sara Beck, Guitl Zeisl, Hindl

Skutetzki and Perl Schweinburg.

66. Jakob Knödl, Rabbinatssubstitut.

His wife Slowe from Gewitsch.

Children: Aron, Chaim Hirsch, Mordechai, Schmuel (stupid), Abraham and


67. Karpl Swoboda, mercer´s trade.

Children: Beer, Salmen and Channa Elsner.

68. Bernhard (Beer) Swoboda, mercer´s trade.

His wife Beila Spitz.

Children: Herschl

69. Joachim (Chaim) Liebesni, mercer´s trade.

His first wife Hendl Beck.

His second wife daughter of Meier Deutsch.

His brother Feischl Liebesni.

70. Josef (Brod Levi) Brodi, teacher of Gemara.

His wife Jochewet.

Children: Abraham, teachger in Arad, Schmolke (soldier), Itzig Jehoschua

(stupid), Miriam Scheindl Deutsch and Jitel Maier.

71. David Müller, masnufacturer of woollen

His wife Gitl Tschebin.

Children: Itzeg, Esterl, Rella and Eva.

His sisters: Esterl Goldmann, Mindl Wossike and Blümele (stupid).

There was a son Jischak.

72. Ignatz (Izek) Müller, woolwashing, manufacturer of woolen cloth.

His wife Klärl, daughter of Mordechai Hofmann.

Marriage without children.

73. Moses (Mosche) Maier, trader with bad wool to Svitava.

Children: Simcha, Mindl Braun und Hendl Schönfeld.

74. Simon (Simche) Maier, trader with wool to Svitava.

His wife Jitl, daughter of Jochwet Lewi.

Children: Josef, Moritz andd Sali Vogel.

75. Abraham Reichner, glazier.

His wife sister of Schmuel Leib Heski.

Children: Maier, Mosche and Fredl.

76. Josef Reichner.

77. Abraham Spitz, kosher butcher.

His wife Rachel, sister of Josef Beck.

Children: Jakow, Mitrows, Chaim Bukows, Menachem, Michael (stupid),

Beila Swoboda.

78. Moses (Mosche) Stern (Rosenkau), trader with mixed goods.

Children: Meir, Jakob and Scheindl.

His son-in-law Chaim Leib, Poseritz.

79. Maier Stern Trafikant (dealer with cigarettes and stamps), teacher of the

common school.

His wife Krassl, sister of Josef König, Myslice

Children: David, Jisrael, Wolf, Schlomo Selde, Hindl and Schewa.

80. David Stern, goods trafic.

His wife Amalia Handowski.

81. Leopold (Leib Luschka) Skutetzki, grocer´s shop, also trader with wool.

His first wife Zochet, widow after Jakob Brich.

Children: Mosche (Mikulov), Feiwel, Abraham, David and Berl (emigrated

To Hungary, Cheile Böhm and Hindel Wohlmuth.

82. Filip (Feiwel) Skutetzki(Krasna), destiller.

His wife Esterl Zwittau, sister of Michael Zeisl.

Children: Herschl, Berl, Meier, Moscheh, Itzik, Gelle and Hindl.

83. Heinrich (Hersch) Skutetzki, destiller.

His first wife Hindl Knödl, His second wife Esterl Fischer.

84. Bernhard (Beer) Skutetzki (Oels), destiller.

His wife Fradl, daughter of Kasriel Wohlmuth.

85. Abraham Skutetzki, manufacturer of destillery.

His wife Scheindl, daughter of Aharon Hersch Bauer, Rossice.

Children: Aron, Wolf and Rosa.

86. Juda Schmidl, Rabbi from Ivancice (Eibenschitz).

His wife Nechomo a daughter of the Rabbi Mosche Karpelia from


Children: Dr.Abraham Schmidl, Josef (died), Fanni Neuda and Reizl.

87. Josef Safir from Meserice (Meseritsch), notary, prayer (Vorbeter), ritual

slaughter, worker with Gold.

His wife borne Löwenstein, sister of Gabriel from Bobrau.

Children: Koppel, Mendel Topijahu, Hwerschl, Debora, Esterl and Fanni.

88. Baruch Schönfeld (Senitz), Literat and Philolog. Had been occupied with

lesson some time.

His wife Hendl, daughter of Mosche Maier.

89. Maier (Mair) Schwarz, dyer´s trade, woolwashing, weaver´s trade.

Soin of Chaim and Esterl Schwarz, who had gotten blind.

His wife Kreindl Rojbein.

Children Chaim, Istrael, Itzwek, Schmuel Leib, Jakob annd Berl.

His sister Golde Deutsch.

90. Veitl (Feitl) Schirenz, trader with rude linen.

91. Joachim Schirenz.

His brother Chaim Schirenz.

92. Samuel Schwarz:

93. Veit (Feitl) Vogel, trader with linen.

His wife borne Gotlieb.

Children: Israel, David, Itzek Wolf, Jeruchem, Itl and Mindl.

94. Abraham Wiltschek.

His wife Dinah, daughter of Manel Wiener from Trebice (Trebitsch).

Child: Lemel.

95. Wolf, Teacher, chorus conductor.

He came from Gewitsch and was honored by all people as a well trained

teacher and chorus conductor.

96. H.Brückner, teacher.

He came from Prosnice (Prossnitz), moved to Brno, and left back a good


97. Dr.S.Wolfsohn, Rabbi and preacher.

98. Moses (Mosche) Konrath, destiller.

99. Abraham Wohlmuth, destiller .

Children: Salman, Itschok, Wolf.

100. Moses (Mosche) Wohlmuth, destiller

He came from Doletschin.

His wife Hindele Skutetzki.

Child: Lotti

101. Israel (Kasriel) Wohlmuth, destiller.

His wife Perl, borne Hofmann.

Children: Mosche, Klärl (Bass), Chailer (Wassertrilling), Rachel (Engler),

Mirl (Zeisl), Fradl (Skutetzki).

From the second marriage: Wolf and Pepi.

102. Maier (Meir) Zeisel, business with destilly.

His wife Chane, borne Böhm from Raigern.

Children: Hersch in Tisnov (Tischnowitz) and Josef in Kurim (Gurein).

103. Michael Zeisel, destiller.

He came from Svitava.

His brothers and sisters: Schmuel, Kartaus, Maier, Jehnitz (?), Josef Zeisel

In Svitava and Esterl, married Skutetzki.

104. Heinrich (Hersch) Zeisel.

His wife Taube was the daughter of Menachem Eisler.

Children: Maier, Michael, Josef Chaim, Mundi and Luise.

105. Josef Zeisel, he had in lease the brewery.

His wife was Gitl, borne Knedl.

106. Maier (Meir) Zeisel, destiller.

Sons: Mosche and Josef.

107. Samuel Zeisel, Sensal.

His wife Lea.

Children: Efraim, Mosche Maier, Gele, Gitl, Chana. All of them emigrated

to Pecs in Hungary.

108. Moses (Mosche) Zeisel, baker´s shop

His wife Mindl was the sister of David Müller.

Children: Schmuel, Leib, Adl Hecht, Rachel Klein, Rella Butter, Zipperl

Klein, Jiska Goldmann, Kreindl Zeisel, Chaje Sarah Fradl.

His brothers Meier and Gerschon emigrated to Hungary.

109. Josef Zeisel, Gemeindediener (servant at the municipally)

His wife Chaja Sarah.

Children: Löbl, Gerschon, Berl, Gitl.

110. Josef Zeisel.

His wife Nettl came from Meserice (Meseritsch).

Son: Moritz

111. Josef (Chaim) Zeisel, destiller.

His wife was a borne Eisler from Meserice (Meseritsch).

Marriage without children.

112. Getzl Brach.

Sons: Chaim, Josef and Leib.

113. Leopold (Leib) Zeisel.

His wife Feigele.

Children: Getzl, Josef, Jakob, Gitl and Lea.

114. Elias (Getzl), mercery.

His wife Keileh, daughter of David Wiener from Trebice (Trebitsch).

115. Moses (Mosche) Zeisel, mercery.

His wife Idel.

Children: David, Berl, Emanuel, Gittl (Fischer), Liebe (Schmeidler).

116. Abraham Zeisel, various occupations.

His wife Mirl, borne Wohlmuth from Bodenstadt.

Children: Getzl, Kasriel, Gerschon, Leib, Perl Kreinndl, Liese and Katti.

117. Michael Zueisel, teacher.

Emigrated to Hungary in the year 1843.

118. Wilhelm (Wolf Leib) Zeisel , economy and trade with raw leather

His wife Katti, borne Deutsch from Mikulov

Children: Jakob, Elias, Prof.Dr.Simon, Max, Fanni (Goldschmidt), Lina

(Singer), Tini and Jetti

119. Wolf Deutsch

120. David Zeisel, furiery, Trade with mixed goods.

His first wife Sali, bornme Stern,

His second wife Luise, borne Hirsch from Boskowice

Children of his first marriage: Emil, Jenni (Schmeidler), Mali (Fleischer),

Gusti (Fischer, Helene.

121. Bernhard (Beer) Zeisel, wool-weavery. Moved to Brno.

His wife Katharina from Mikulov.

Children: Gustav, Siegfried, Max, Ernst, Oskar, Artur, Adele (Deutsch),

Jetti, Rizzi and Fanni.

122. Emanuel Zeisel, Bookkeeper.

123. Elias Zeisel, wool-weavery, shop with destillery, moved to Vienna.

His wife Lotti, borne Gerschon from Lettovice (Lettowitz)

124. Ignatz (Kasriel) Zeisel, merchant, manufacturer of liqueor.

His wife Fanni, borne Soffer.

Children: Alfred, Gisela (Beck).

125. Gerson (Gerschon) Zeisel, various occupations. Moved to Vienna.

His wife Helene borne Schistal.

Children: Theodor, Arnold, Julius, Otto, Kamilla, Friederika.

126. Leopold Zeisel, shop with destillery.

His wife Sdali, borne Gerstmann from Ivancice (Eibenschitz).

Children: Jetti, Gisela, Anna Karoline.

127. Theodor Zeisel, destiller in Vienna.

His wife Ida.

Children: Viktor

128. Adolf Haas, innkeeper.

His wife Lisi, borne Zeisel.

Child: Josefine (Sonnenfeld).

129. Julius Popper.

His mother Peppi, married Popper leaved him as an orphan.

His wife Ilka, borne Haas.

130. Josef Fischer, goods of cotto.

Son of Schlomo Fiischer.

Married Josefione Popper.

131. Ludwig Sonnenfeld, civil servant.

His wife Josefine, daughter of Adolf Haas and Lisi, borne Zeisel

132. Eduard Fischer.

He lives in Namest.

133. Lisi Schmeidler.

Her daughter Adelheid, her son Albert.

134. Josef (Feigeles) Zeisel, tailor.

His wife Chaje Rachels Liebels from Gewitsch.

Children: Schmuel, Mordechai, Michael, Gittl, Bella.

135. Wilhelm Skutetzki.

136. Joachim (Chaim) Rausnitz, tailor.

One daughter married toMeir Schneider, who got blind, marriage without


The second daughter married to Jakob Spitzer, mercery, moved to

Boskovice (Boskowitz).

137. Jeruchim Rimmer.

Children: Meir and Zorl.

138. Jachiel Schlafstätter (Schlafstädter), servant of the community.

His wife Reisl.

139. Josef (Jossl) Schreuber, Rabbi in Lomnice.

From the first marriage there is a sonLevi Aschreuiber, Leipnik.

His second wife, borne Beck from Leipnik.

Children: Dr.Henich and Dr.Jakob, emigrated to Hungary: Wolf (died

unmarried), Jeschaja, teacher in Arad, Kreindl and Ritschl.

Czech Familiants:

Rabbi Salman Engel Gerschon Butter Josef Flatter Feisch Flatter Josef Zeisel (Feigeles) Rabbi Chaim Rausnitz Rabbi Efraim Elsner Hungarian Familiants:

1 Rabbi Mosche Häutler, Senitz

Rabbi Mosche Fuchs, Senitz Meir Häutler Pinchas Hammer The following married as bohemiian or hungarian emigrants, but later a right got.

Rabbi Meir Goldmann Rabbi Salman Engel Felsch Flatter Rabbi Abraham Zeisel Emigrants:

Salman Swoboda, Schmuel Leib Heski, Chaim Krschlpka, Mordechai Hofmann, Josef Zeisl, Elijahu Gottlieb, Schimeon Bauer, Herschl Bauer, Josef Chaim Bauer, Herschl Reichner, Michael Flatter, Fleisch Libesni, Schahse, Abrahgam Reichner, Abraham Kolbin, Salman Swobioda, Meir Deutsch, Meir Flatter, Salman Butter, Josef Kalman, Jeruchham Riemer, Wolf Glaser, Schmuel Braun, Feitl Schirenz, Chaim Schirenz, Mendl Häutler, Meir Deutsch.

I thank to Mr.Stabskap.Hermann Grün for giving me the writing and Mr. Max Zeisel for the dates of people he had given to me.