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Jewish Families from Praha-Žižkov, Bohemia, Czech Republic

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  • Jiří / Georg Richter (1919 - 2007)
    One of the medical personnel in block 32 (sick bay) in BIIb according to Frantisek Kraus.
  • Eva Krušinová (1921 - 2010)
  • Jiří Vrba (1924 - 1993)
    Worked for Semafor, Reduta, Viola, and the theaters in Olomouc and Trier. Picture copyright Jewish Museum Prague.
  • Karel Vrba (1918 - 1981)
    Karel Vrba Transported to Terezin as Prisoner #443 on Transport N, December 17, 1941. Transported from Terezin to Auschwitz as Prisoner #880 on Transport Eb, May 18, 1944. After Blechhammer and ...
  • Adolf Vrba (1893 - 1945)
    Marriage record: PRAHA 2714 O 1918 (i) (5/42)

Žižkov is a cadastral district of Prague, Czech Republic. Most of Žižkov lies in the municipal and administrative district of Prague 3, except for very small parts which are in Prague 8 and Prague 10. Prior to 1922, Žižkov was an independent city.

This page seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the Žižkov, Prague in the Czech Republic.