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Jewish Families from Rataje nad Sázavou (Rattay), Bohemia, Czech Republic

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  • Julie Reichmann (1860 - d.)
  • Aron Hofmann/Hoffmann (1791 - d.)
    Familiant82 HBF IX/VIII Kouřimský Nusle a Vršovice; folio: 1 Obříství; folio: 15 Pakoměřice; folio: 28 Petrovice; folio: 33 Pyšely ; folio: 43 Počernice Horní a Dolní; folio: 53 Velké Popovice; folio: ...
  • Jakob Beck (1861 - 1938)
  • Berta Brumlik (1884 - 1915)
    Birth record: Uhlířské JANOVICE (o. Kutna Hora) 2261 N 1860-1911, 1913-1915, 1919-1935, 1937 1938,1942 image 111 Marriage record: Divišova (o. Benesov) 290 O 1868 1869 1872 (i), 1874-1889, 1896, ...
  • Emilie Hübscher (c.1857 - bef.1913)
    Marriage record: Divišova (o. Benesov) 290 About 1868 1869 1872 (i), 1874-1889, 1896, 1897 (i), 1890, 1894, 1905, 1909, 1910-1912, 1920, 1926-1940, 1942-1944 (27/94)

This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Rataje nad Sázavou (Rattay) in Bohemia, Czech Republic.