Town and County
- Satu Mare - County Archives (Romanian): http://bit.ly/2tW0tvj
- Satu Mare - City Hall: http://www.satu-mare.ro/?id_limba=4
- Satu Mare - Library (Romanian): http://www.bibliotecasatumare.ro
- Satu Mare - County Museum (Romanian): http://www.muzeusm.ro
- Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Archives (Hungary): http://www.szabarchiv.hu
- The Towns of Szatmár County (Hungarian): http://bit.ly/1BqASEu
Jewish Genealogy
- Jewish Community of Satu Mare: http://jewishcomunity.ro/en/index.php
- Szatmári Mementó - Memorial Website of Satu Mare: http://szatmar.us
*Orthodox Jewish Cemetery: http://szatmar.us/db/ortodox.html
- Status-Quo Jewish Cemetery: http://szatmar.us/db/neolog.html
- Jewish Orthodox Marriage Register: http://bit.ly/1qCM9yc
- Jewish Orthodox Burial Register: http://bit.ly/2G3sV3t
*Satu Mare - Birth Database: http://bit.ly/2HJmn7f
- Satu Mare County - Birth Database: http://bit.ly/2Iz9ygK
- Satu Mare - Marriage Database: http://bit.ly/2HHEla0
- Satu Mare County - Death Database: http://bit.ly/2IA5VHK
*Holocaust Victims of Satu Mare: http://szatmar.us/db/Martirok.html
- Holocaust Survivors of Satu Mare: http://szatmar.us/db/Tulelok.html
- Yizkor Book of Satu Mare - English Translation: http://bit.ly/1rD8kR1
- Yizkor Book - Hebrew and Hungarian: http://yizkor.nypl.org/index.php?id=2576
- JewishGen: http://www.jewishgen.org
Hungarian Genealogy
- 1828 - Landowner Census - Digitized Records: http://bit.ly/2FItKPH
- 1828 - Landowner Census - Szatmár County (PDF): http://bit.ly/1wfqhcA
- 1828 - Landowner Census - Other Counties (PDFs): http://bit.ly/1wfqhJq
- Information about the 1828 Census: http://bit.ly/1qCDzzo
- FamilySearch - Hungarian Historical Records: http://bit.ly/1qdtKc3
- FamilySearch - Hungarian Civil Registration: http://bit.ly/1nJeDS2
- FamilySearch: https://www.familysearch.org/catalog/search
- Genealogy Indexer - Directories: http://genealogyindexer.org
- Hungaricana: http://hungaricana.hu/en
- All newspapers Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county: http://bit.ly/1TKbDGT
- Szamos 1899-1919: http://bit.ly/1qPPJYq
- Szatmár 1899-1911: http://bit.ly/1WqQdlG
- Szatmári Est 1913-1914: http://bit.ly/1qPP2ym
- Szatmári Friss Újság 1902-1903: http://bit.ly/1Z5QmJ0
- Szatmári Gazda 1909-1919: http://bit.ly/1XWER8k
- Szatmári Hétfő 1913: http://bit.ly/1OSt2sC
- Szatmári Hírlap 1902-1919: http://bit.ly/24bYKbo
- Szatmári Napló 1904-1905: http://bit.ly/1qPPWuB
- Szatmári Újság 1917-1918: http://bit.ly/1qPQJeW
- Szatmármegyei Hírmondó 1913-1917: http://bit.ly/1TNLYhR
- Szatmármegyei Közlöny 1899-1920: http://bit.ly/1WQVH9k
- Szatmár-Németi 1899-1912: http://bit.ly/1Z5PN24
- Szatmárvármegye 1905-1913: http://bit.ly/27VRaGq
- Old Map of Satu Mare: http://bit.ly/1tIH8pW
- Old Photos of Satu Mare: http://www.flickr.com/photos/codra
- Old Postcards of Satu Mare: http://bit.ly/1nJXKXh
- Old Postcards of Transylvania: http://kepeslapok.wordpress.com
- Hungarian Image Archive: http://keptar.oszk.hu/indexeng.phtml