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Jewish Families from Schnaittach (Mittelfranken/Bayern), Germany

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  • Seligmann (Simon) Davidson (1822 - 1893)
    Simon Davidson death (parents Hermann and Rosette Davidson): Tribune obituary: Times obituary:
  • David Winkler (1795 - 1870)
    "Sister Ele was married to David Winkler in Schnaittach. She was a refined and educated woman and so she hesitated to enter this union. David was quite a good-natured but an uneducated boy. But what di...
  • Jehuda Loew Lilienthal (1777 - 1850)
    The Lilienthal family came from a valley in Schnaittach-Huttenbach, Germany, near Munich. The original family name was Seligmann. In 1814, Loew Seligmann registered his surname as Lilienthal (valley of...

This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Schnaittach (Mittelfranken/Bayern), Germany.

JewishGen-Schnaittach (Mittelfranken/Bayern)