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Jewish Families from Strakonice

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  • Johanna Kafka (1861 - d.)
    Birth record: 1936 STRAKONICE (o. Strakonice) N 1839-1861 (i) (90/119)
  • Eva Kohn (1857 - d.)
    Birth record: 1936 STRAKONICE (o. Strakonice) N 1839-1861 (i) (81/119) Marriage record
  • Harry Harald M. Tarsi Tressler Taubeles (1922 - 1998)
    Harald Marion Tarsi, Harry or Ari travelled to Theresienstadt December 4, 1941, with 24 persons who together took part of the Stab transport, led by the first Jewish Leader of the Ghetto, Jacob Edelste...
  • Carolina Löwi / Löwy (1849 - d.)
    Birth record: N 1936 Strakonice, o. Strakonice N 1839-1861 (i) (inv. č. 1936 - kn - 1936) (50/119)
  • Eleonora Löwi / Löwy (1853 - d.)
    Birth record: N 1936 Strakonice, o. Strakonice N 1839-1861 (i) (inv. č. 1936 - kn - 1936) (64/119)

This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Strakonice Strakonitz (Czekonitz), South Bohemian region, Czech Republic.

Village district (bezirk) and region:

Location: Strakonice German: Strakonitz) is a town in the South Bohemian Region of the Czech Republic. Estimated population: 24,000.

History: The settlement of this region took place in the second half of 12th century when a castle was built. In 1367 Strakonice obtained city rights. The castle of Strakonice was built by an important noble House of Strakonice and they started the construction of their residence at the beginning of the 13th century. Later they donated a part of the castle to the knights of the Order of St. John.

For more details click here Fragments of History

The History of the Jews in Strakonice:

See pages 613-615 in the Work of Josef Havrda, Strakonice The History of the Jews in Strakonice

Some excerpts from above history:

"At the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th centuries, the production of Turkish fezzes became more widespread. These fezzes were made by hand, and people could earn a lot of money from their manufacture. However, they were not all able to handle the income properly[9] and, when production began on an industrial scale, only the careful Jewish manufacturers[10] were able to manage the production. From 1817, these manufacturers were the Weil brothers, the Fürth brothers, Volf Jakub, Josef Moric, and Edmund and Josef Zucker. The factory of the Weil brothers was taken over by Leopold Guttfreund, but he became bankrupt and went to America. The factory was then taken over by J. Stein. "

" After the new synagogue was built, the following rabbis took care of the community: Fürth[11]; regional rabbi Emanuel Polák; then, after him, Dr. Pražák; in 1893, Lamberk; in 1896, Denkoviè and Emanuel Sittig, who was also a teacher; Bachrach, who was another teacher; during the war Dr. Volf; and, from 1923, Arnold Flaschner. The war[12] brought the cantor Menkes to Strakonice; Menkes also represented the rabbi during his absence. "

"The Jews of Strakonice had their own school before they had a synagogue. In the beginning, it was a private school with one class occupying a house by the bridge over the Otava river[7]. Today the inn “Myšina” (Mousehole) stands on this site. In 1875, the school moved into the brewery “U bílého vlka”(At the white Wolf), by which time it had grown to two classes and was made a public school. For many years, the school was directed by Emanuel Sittig, who died in 1898. After him, it was led by Bachrach and Ster. "

"On 15 January 1807, the Jews of Strakonice founded an association called the “Wohltätigkeitsverein Chewra Kadisha” (Charity Association Chevra Kadisha) which supported the poor and impoverished Jews and took care of the cemetery. Its first Chairman was the previously-mentioned Michal Votic, who was very active in the foundation of the Chevra Kadisha. Those who followed Votic as Chairmen were the manufacturers Moric Fürtt and then, for 50 years, Jakub Wolf Fürt"

" In 1878, the Jewish community of Strakonice was flourishing, with around 95 large families. In 1890, the town had 7,112 inhabitants, of whom 326 were Jews. In 1900, out of 7,502 inhabitants only 186 were Jews, and in 1900 it was just 95 Jewish out of 9,882 inhabitants, and of these just 70 were taxpayers. "

Genealogical Resources:

Birth, Death and Marriage record books for ….. are preserved and located at ……

Jewish Cemetery:

see here cemetery

"The ancient Jewish cemetery is located to the west of Strakonice by the road to Pracejovice. Since the old Jewish synagogue was demolished (the oldest place of worship burnt down in 1741, the old synagogue collapsed in 1858, the new synagogue was demolished in 1956), the Jewish cemetery is one of the few monuments to remind us of the community that has left an indelible trace on the town's history, particularly in the local textile industry. The Jews of Strakonice were allowed to found their own cemetery below the Holí forest at the end of the 17th century. It is not known where they buried their relatives before this time. The oldest preserved tombs can be dated back to the first half of the 18th century (the oldest legible inscription from 1736), and the latest come from WWII. The cemetery is fenced off by a high stone wall that should have protected the graves against desecration. There is a small house in the front that was used as a mortuary. There is a water pump in the corner for symbolic hand washing after funerals.The Jewish cemetery in Strakonice is not presently used. Funeral services here ceased during the war, when the Jews were transported from Strakonice. The last funeral took place in the 1960s.

The Jews built a new synagogue in 1860, when the old wooden structure collapsed during a wedding ceremony in 1858. The new building was furnished with artistically decorated benches by master Jan Vlastislav Plánek. Contemporary photographs of the synagogue and parts of the Jewish ghetto Bezděkov can be found in the Museum of Central Otava Basin."

see here: Listing of burials at Jewish cemetery in Strakonice – in Czech

  • Weil Jakub /Jaakov/ 1926
  • Wildauer Šimon 1926
  • Kafka Edvard 1922
  • Kafka Josef 1922
  • Kafka Dory 1928
  • Holub -ová Magdalena 1925
  • Holub Vojtěch 1938
  • Loewy Julie 1925
  • Loewy Samuel 1932
  • Fiala /Fialová/ Renička 1933
  • Burger -ová Pavla 1934
  • Pick -ová Otilie 1935
  • Fürth -ová Anežka 1922
  • Koenig -ová Františka 1925
  • Weiss - TRYZ Emanuel 0
  • Kafka /Kafková/ Julie /Judit/ 1918
  • Stulz -ová Teresie /Rejzl/ 1920
  • Loewy Jindřich 1918
  • Mahler Leopold 1919
  • Mahler -ová Růžena 1938

Strakonice Inhabitants : (those on geni in blue are already linked to their profile, those not yet entered in black. If some of the persons listed below are not Jewish, please remove as I sometimes had to guess. Also please add any I may have missed.)

Bohemia Jewish Census is available online at this site: Digital Archive of SRA region of Trebon records start in the year 1857 for Strakonice.