This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from Telice (Dölitschen) in Bohemia, Czech Republic.
History of the Jews in Dölitschen (Telice) and surrounding towns of Darmsyl, Kopec and Prostibor (Telice, Czech Republic – 49°39' 12°56')
Translated by Alan Ackerman
The village of Dölitschen is situated 17.5 kilometers south of the county seat of Mies (Stribro), on the side of a valley in the romantic Seven Mountains. The village is first mentioned in documents of the year 1115. Duke Swatopluk created in 1108 the Benedictine monastery in Kladrau. In the year 1115, his heir Wladislaw donated 25 villages to the monastery. The nobility also contributed land in the area. One of the nobles, Branis, gave land to the village of Dölitschen.
Documents dated before 1100 mention a Jewish community in Dölitschen, one of the oldest inhabited areas along with the villages of Darmschlag (Darmysl) and Prostibor (Kopec).
See and Visit to partially restored Telice Jewish Cemetery with Vaclav Chvatal October 2013.
The before and after photographs were taken by -PhDr. Ing. Václav Fred Chvátal from Muzeum Českého lesa v Tachově p. o. Pověřené odborné pracoviště Plzeňského kraje pro výzkum a dokumentaci židovských památek Special department for research and documentation of Jewish monuments