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Jewish Families from Ustrzyki Dolne, Poland

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  • Bertha Kohl Ament (aft.1884 - c.1941)
    Testimonys: Bertha Ament was born in Ustrzyki Dolne, Poland in 1886 to Moshe and Golda. She was married to David. Prior to WWII she lived in Wygoda, Poland. During the war she was in Stryj, Poland.* Be...
  • Edmund Kohl (1881 - c.1941)
    Testimony: Edmund Kul was born in Ustrzyki Dolne, Poland to Moshe and Golda. Prior to WWII he lived in Prague, Czechoslovakia. During the war he was in Stryj, Poland.* Edmund was murdered in the Shoah....
  • Josef Kohl (1886 - d.)
    Testimony: Josef Kul was born in Ustrzyki Dolne, Poland in 1886 to Moshe and Golda. He was married to Jula nee Kaner. Prior to WWII he lived in Antverpen, Belgium. During the war he was in Antverpen, B...
  • Dr, Irma Elster (deceased)
  • Golde Singer Kohl (1865 - d.)
    Testimony: Golda Kohl was born in Ustrzyki, Poland in 1865. She was a self employed. Prior to WWII she lived in Vienna, Austria. During the war she was in Vienna, Austria.* Golda was murdered in the Sh...

This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Ustrzyki Dolne, Poland, also known as Istrik, Ustriki Dolishni, Istryk, Astrik, Estrik, Uschiki Dolne, Ustrik, Myasto Ustshiki Dol'ne, Ustshiki-Dol'ne, Ustriki-Dol'nyye, Nizhniye Ustriki, Nizhne-Ustriki.

Gesher Galicia - Ustrzyki Dolne