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Jewish Families from Zbraslavice, Czech Republic

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  • Anna Kohner (1893 - d.)
    Birth: Death record: Born on 10 June 1893 Last place of residence before deportation: Malešov Address/place of registration in the Protectorate: Kutná Hora Transport AAb, no. 578 (05 June ...
  • Abraham Spitz (c.1788 - d.)
    marriage : 1646 Chapter: ZBRASLAVICE (o. Kutná Hora) Inventory number: 2443 Book Title: O 1805-1825, 1833-1839 image 6
  • David Spitz (c.1749 - 1805)
  • David Spitz (1807 - d.)
    Familiant book: Birth: M to Barbara Freund 144 Catalogue number: 239 Chapter: FÚ ZBRASLAVICE (o. Kutná Hora) Inventory number: 1025 Book Title: matrika oddaných (1797-1847) B image 12
  • Simon Zinner (1850 - 1939)
    birth: Burial M 1646 Chapter: ZBRASLAVICE (o. Kutná Hora) Inventory number: 2445 Book Title: NOZ 1869-1895 (i)

Zbraslavice (German: Zbraslawitz, Sbraslawitz, older also Preßlawirz ) is a village and municipality in Kutná Hora District in the Central Bohemian Region of the Czech Republic. in 2006 there were 1352 inhabitans, no Jews.

Jewish Community

In 1724 there were 11 Jewish families in Zbraslavice. Yet, no family names.

Jewish Cemetery

The Jewish cemetery originated in 1797. It includes 200-300 gravestones. about half of them are unreadable .

/ Iajgs cemetery project .

/ Billion Graves

/ Google Maps