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Jewish families connected to the town of Kladruby in Rokycany, Plzen Region

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  • Arnošt Grunhut (1908 - 1944)
    Marriage record of Arnost and Gertrude Grunhut, line number 83 Death: Born 03. 02. 1908 Last residence before deportation: Prague I Address/place of registration in the Protectorate: Prague I, ...
  • Alfred I, Fürst zu Windisch-Graetz (1787 - 1862)
    Links:==* Wikipedia * Worldhistory Alfred l. Fürst zu Windisch-Graetz Starb am 21. Märtz 1862 in Wien und wurde- wie schon 1848 seine frau Eleonore- in der Tachauer Familiengruft in der Wenzelkirchenbe...
  • Elsa/Eliška Schwarz/Schwarzová (1900 - aft.1943)
    Sister born in Kladruby.
  • Leopold Schwarz (c.1855 - 1902)
    Marriage record: PLZEŇ (o. Plzeň-město) 1551 O 1874-1910 (i v letech 1908-1910 pro každý rok)(104/304)
  • Babette Ratt (c.1755 - d.)
    Babette and Moises son Fiktorin was born in Kladruby. Son born about 1785, married in 1819, so parents were born around 1755.

Kladruby is a town in the Czech Republic, in the region of Rokycany, Plzeň. This project refers to the Kladruby in Rokycany area, not the Kladruby in the Tachov region.

There are several towns in the Plzen region with the name Kladruby.

One in county Tachov (near the town Stříbro) and the second in neighborhood of Hřešihlavy in county Rokycany. The distance between Hřešihlavy and Kladruby/Rokycany is 2,5 km (therefore now integrated). The distance between Hřešihlavy and Kladruby/Tachov is 86 km. Kladruby/Rokycany you can find northeast from Plzeň and Kladruby/Tachov west from Plzeň. Kladruby/Tachov was a German speaking town, Kladruby/Rokycany a Czech speaking town. Source; Hans Petr Grab.

The Geni place recognition function may state Hresihlavy, Kladruby, Plzen, Czech Republic thus combining the two towns. They are presently integrated due to population growth over time. However, this is not the correct designation for individuals connected with either town in the 1800's; should be one or the other, not both.

Ref: Peter Grab "The correct German place name was Reschihlau and the Czech name Hřešihlavy. Hřešihlavy are now part of the 2,5-km distant neighboring little town Kladruby, but Hřešihlavy are not the same place as Kladruby. Kladruby were never known as Rescholau or Hresihlavy.

Book : Petra Vladařová : Jewish cemeteries in Radnice, Terešov and Hřešihlavy

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