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Jewish families from Údrc (Udritsch), Bohemia, Czech Republic

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  • Kurt Bernard (1925 - 1944)
    Sister's testimony:
  • Herta Kraus (1921 - 1944)
  • Petra Vladařová
    Sara Popper (Klein) (1780 - 1825)
    Book : Petra Vladařová : Jewish cemeteries in Radnice, Terešov and Hřešihlavy Czech text, English abstract Contact :
  • Benjamin Hirsch (1811 - 1889)
    On the basis of the rarity of his name, the accuracy of the birthdate specified by the inscription, and the omnipresence of the extended and immediate Hirsch family gravestones in the plot, I believe t...
  • Eugenie Schanette Weinberger (1868 - 1942)
    Birth record: ÚDRČ 2236 N 1840-1893 (11/17)Death record: Born 14. 08. 1868* Last residence before deportation: Vídeň 2, Zwerggasse 5* Transport IV/4, no. 174 (Vienna -> Terezín)* Murdered 08. 11. 1942 ...

This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Údrč (Udritsch) in Bohemia, Czech Republic.


Údrč ( German Udritsch) is a small village, part of the city Bochov in the district of Karlovy Vary . It is located about 4 km southeast of Bochov.

Record books: [] ÚDRČ

  • 2236 N 1840-1893
  • 2237 O 1840-1881
  • 2238 Z 1840-1893
  • 2239 N 1805-1864 (i; zápisy nejdou chronologicky) O 1814-1827, 1840-1860 (i)