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Jewish families from Domousice (Domauschitz), Bohemia, Czech Republic

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  • Richard Taussig (1883 - c.1942)
    Birth record: 551 HŘÍŠKOV (o. Louny) N 1858-1873 (i) NOZ 1875 (105/383) Marriage record: 599 Chomutov, o. Chomutov O 1896-1949 (19/45)
  • Amalia Abeles (1836 - 1897)
  • Salomon Abeles (1830 - 1926)
  • Moritz Abeles (1860 - c.1935)
    Marriage record:

This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Domousice (Domauschitz) in Bohemia, Czech Republic.


Domoušice is located on a hill on the right side above the valley of Hasina in the hills Džbán. The village is situated in the area of the nature reserve Džbán. To the north rises the Cerveny vrch (400 m ) in the north- east, the Podhora ( 459 m ) east of the Číhadlo (482 m), in the south of Džbán (536 m), southwest of the Zadnà Rovina (524 m), in the west the Rovina, the pískový vrch (526 m) and the Špičák (490 m ) and north-west Pravda ( 484 m). Through the town, the railway Rakovník Louny runs. Neighboring towns are Markvarec and Konětopy in the north, Solopysky, Horni Ročov and Dolni Ročov in the northeast, Smilovice, boron, Milý and Pochvalov in the east, Dučice, Kalivody, Kroučová and Třeboc the southeast, Filipov and Lhota pod Džbánem in the south, Perun, Mutějovice, Milostín and Kounov the southwest, Na Rovinách, Deštnice and Nečemice in the west and Lhota, Výhledy, Kozlov, Novy Svet, Třeskonice and Pnětluky in the northwest
