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Jewish families from Klučenice, Bohemia, Czech Republic

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  • Ludwig Wachtel / Wachtl (1861 - d.)
    Marriage record: 1853 SEDLČANY (o. Příbram) O 1874-1911, 1914, 1916 (i), 1919, 1920,1923, 1924, 1926, 1932, 1936-1940, 1942-1944 (31/99)
  • Anna Wachtel (1896 - d.)
    Birth record: 801 KLUČENICE (o. Příbram) N 1846-1873 (i), 1854-1923, 1925-1934 O 1866-1873 (i), 1866-1892, 1896-1923, 1925-1934 Z 1864-1900 (i), 1901-1923, 1925-1934 (18/179)
  • Martha Wachtel (1893 - d.)
    Birth record: 801 KLUČENICE (o. Příbram) N 1846-1873 (i), 1854-1923, 1925-1934 O 1866-1873 (i), 1866-1892, 1896-1923, 1925-1934 Z 1864-1900 (i), 1901-1923, 1925-1934 (43/179)
  • Heinrich Gach (1872 - 1905)
    Census 1880: Census 1900: Birth: KLUČENICE (Klutschenitz, o. Příbram) 303 N (births) 1842 - 1895 image 8 Marriage record: 306 Dobříš, o. Příbram O 1869-1890 (i), 1890-1900, 1903-1910, 1912, 1918...

This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from Klučenice in Bohemia, Czech Republic.