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Jewish families from Loket (Elbogen), Bohemia, Czech Republic

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  • August Lindt (1867 - 1952)
    build Lindtova pasaz and the Lindt palais: áž,_od_Jungmannova_náměst%C3%AD.jpg and also , it says that August Lindt was a factory owner and a businessman who had this building built in 1925-1927 Pragu...
  • Hanna Porges (1927 - 1945)
    added Hanna based on the Einliferungsbuch Stutthof, the article on the magician, transport numbers, and registration addresses.
  • Franziska Kohner (aft.1857 - 1919)
  • Bertha Maier (1867 - 1943)
    Death record: Born 26. 05. 1867* Born name: Steiniger* Transport XVI/1, no. 261 (20. 09. 1942, Lipsko -> Terezín)* Murdered 09. 02. 1943 Terezín
  • Elise/Alzbeta Feig (1903 - 1943)
    Death record: Born 23. 09. 1903* Last residence before deportation: Prague V* Address/place of registration in the Protectorate: Prague XII, Schwerinova 32* Transport Cc, no. 255 (20. 11. 1942, Prague ...

This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Loket (Elbogen) in Bohemia, Czech Republic