This may be the birth record of Josef Kohn:
record #9
LOMNICE NAD LUŽNICÍ (Lomnitz a.d. Laisnitz,o.Jindřichův Hradec) 459 N (births) 1839 - 1866 (4/9) The town Lomnitz is correct, which we know ...
2nd Marriage record: PRAHA 2706 O 1910 (i) (16/65)
First Name Otto -Last Name Brückner
Date of Birth 18.10.1865
Place of Birth Lomnetz
Residence Wien 3, Sechskrügelgasse 85
This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Lomnice nad Lužnicí (Lomnitz) in Jindřichův Hradec District in Bohemia, Czech Republic
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