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Jewish families from Lubsko Poland formerly Sommerfeld Kreiss Crossen Germany

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  • Flora Friedlaender (1839 - 1913)
  • Wolf Wolfski (deceased)
  • Jakob Krambach (1822 - 1892)
    Adress und Geschäfts-Handbuch der Königlichen Haupt- und Residenzstadt Breslau für das Jahr 1887, Jhg. 18 pg 241 Also lived at Neue Oderstr. 8c, Breslau in 1868 See also photo no.# 1 in "media." ...
  • Anna Feig (Krambach) (1850 - 1931)
    From the time she married Moritz Feig and moved to Prague in 1884 until she retired some time in the 1920s Anna Krambach Feig ran her own business. Husband Moritz imported tea and rum and Anna was a te...

This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Lubsko Poland which was also called Sommerfeld Kreiss Crossen Prussia, then Germany between 1742 and 1945.