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  • Isaac de Villiers (bef.1750 - 1808)
    2nd marriage: De Villiers buys the farm (t.No. 5281 30/8/1780) On 20/2/1795 the farm is reallocated to him according to the constitution S.Q.E.4/53 On 11/2/1797 a piece of land 8 morgan 544 sq meter ...
  • Wouter de Vos, SV/PROG (1689 - c.1731)
    1724 Kloovenburg farm
  • Jan Stevensz de Jonge Bothma (bef.1670 - 1719)
    Last will and testament of Jan Botma and Christina de Bruyn of Stellenbosch, 13 October 1708 (Western Cape Archives and Records Service, 1/STB, 18/3, 1708), Steven Botma 13yrs Alletta Botma 1...

Kloovenburg wine estate



Given to Jan Stevensz de Jonge Bothma on the 26th of September 1704 by the then Govenor W.A van der Stel.
The farm land given was a 60 acres 160 sq. meter property and situated in the distrik Paarl . Drakenstein, east of Riebeeck –Kasteel. By applying for a hunting and grazing permit, the surrounding area could also been use and as Jan Bothma already was an estabelished wine farmer from Welgevalle, Stellenbosch and he used the farm for livestock.
The old towpath from Cape Town to Roodezand used over Bothmaskloof went through the mountain pass at Jan Bothma’s farm.


Wouter de Vos, SV/PROG from Libertas bought the farm (t.No. 1612 7/9/1724)


Willem de Vos third owner (t.No. 1716 29/1/1726)


Hendrik Heufke (tNo. 2103 3/2/1733)


Piter van Dijk (t.No.2455 23/7/1739)


Isaac de Villiers (t.No. 5281 30/8/1780) relocation 1797 S.Q.E.4/53 On 11/2/1797


Anna Margaretha de Villiers married Jeremias Petrus Coetzer


Jeremias Petrus Coetzer purchased grazing farm for 69 Rijksdalers -- BOTHMASKLOOF


Jeremias Petrus Coetzer inherits fram from his wife (t.No. 79 22/8/1823)
