Kalishoek is a town in 's Heerenhoek in the province of Zeeland, The Netherlands
When were they born:
- Before 1800 43 (29%)
- 1800's 76 (51%)
- 1900-09 12 (8%)
- 1910-19 1 (0.7%)
- 1920-29 5 (3%)
- 1930-39 1 (0.7%)
- 1940-49 3 (2%)
- 1950-59 2 (1%)
- 1960-69 3 (2%)
- 1970-79 0 (0%)
- 1980-89 1 (0.7%)
- 1990-99 2 (1%)
Common first names males:
- Cornelis
- Gerrit
- Jacob
- Jacobus
- Johannes
- Johannes-Arnoldus
- Joseph
- Lukas
- Lukas-Willemszoon
Common first names females
- Anna
- Catharina-Alida
- Elisabeth
- Geertje
- Grietje
- Jacoba
- Jannetje
- Johanna
- Neeltje-Cornelisdochter
- Pleuntje-Janna
Places of birth of the Kalishoek family
- Netherlands 95%
- Belgium 3 %
- Suriname 1 %
- Germany 1 %