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Kingsbury County, South Dakota

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  • Charles Phillip Ingalls (1836 - 1902)
    From: : Obituary for Charles Philip Ingalls A Pioneer Gone. The People of De Smet were pained Sunday afternoon to learn of the death of Mr. C.P. Ingalls, who died at 3 p.m. of that day after a lingerin...
  • Roscoe Conklin Anderson (1903 - 1969)
    Anderson, Roscoe Conklin Birth : 20 Jun 1903 Lake Preston, SD Death : 30 Jan 1969 Gender: Male Family: Marriage: 1 Oct 1924 in Coquille, OR Spouse: Dittmer, Katie Clara Birth : 30 Oct 1902 Ridge...
  • Rose Walter (1918 - 2002)
  • Neva Maas (1931 - 2015)
  • Ann Tschetter (1903 - 1996)

Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Kingsbury County, South Dakota.

Official Website

The county was created in 1873, and was organized in 1880. It was named for brothers George W. and T. A. Kingsbury, descendants of the colonial English Kingsbury family in Boston, Massachusetts. They were prominently involved in the affairs of Dakota Territory and served as elected members of several Territorial Legislatures.

Adjacent Counties

Cities, Towns, Townships & Communities

Arlington (part) | Badger | Baker | Bancroft | De Smet (County Seat) | Erwin | Esmond | Hartland | Hetland | Iroquois (part) | Lake Preston | Le Sueur | Manchester | Mathews | Oldham | Osceola | Spirit Lake | Spring Lake | Spring Lake Colony | Whitewood


Cemeteries of South Dakota


National Register of Historic Places

SD Gen Web

Genealogy Trails

Kingsbury County Genealogical Society