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  • Private
  • Sara Hudes (1940 - 1943)
    Name Sara Hudes Birth Date 31 Aug 1940 Birth Place Krakau (Kraków) Relationship to Head of Household Tochter (Daughter) Document Type Household Member List Household Members (Name) Relationship Leib Hu...
  • Isaak Laub (1915 - 1942)
    PoT by sister Mina
  • Wilhelm (Wolf) Laub (1909 - 1942)
  • Silberstein (1927 - 2009)
    שם נישואים שוורץ כתובת בשנת 1947 Rynek PodgOrski 13/10 /20.01.1947/

Kraków Ghetto was one of five major, metropolitan Jewish ghettos created by Nazi Germany in the General Government territory for the purpose of persecution, terror, and exploitation of Polish Jews during the German occupation of Poland in World War II.

It was a staging point to begin dividing "able workers" from those who would later be deemed unworthy of life.

The Ghetto was liquidated between June 1942 and March 1943, with most of its inhabitants sent to Belzec and Płaszów, and exterminated at Auschwitz concentration camp.

Movie director Roman Polanski, a survivor of the Ghetto, evoked his childhood experiences in his memoir, "Roman".

Hear El Malle Rachamim Holocaust Prayer

A group of compelling, gripping, heart wrenching Krakow video documentaries guaranteed to impact and transform you forever.

1. Jewish Krakow 1936 Archival film from 1936 showing Krakow's Jewish district of Kazimierz.
2. Saluting Jewish Krakow - Idyllic prewar Jewish life in Krakow till the deportation to the ghetto begins.
3. Jewish Life in Krakow 1939 - History of Jews in Krakow with "audio narration"
4. Krakow on Market Day 1939 - Market Day and Jews In Occupied Krakow
5. Krakow 1939 Nazi build-up
6. Deportation to Krakow Ghetto by noted Holocaust historian, Alan Heath.
7. Krakow Ghetto - Exceptionally moving with running historical commentary
8. Ghetto in Krakau - Karl Hoeffkes (M248)
9. Yiddishe Krakow Kinderjohren yiddish song and Photos of Krakow (very moving)
10. Autumn in Krakow (poem)
11. Remu Cemetery and Synagogue - Film documentary 1961 (Beautiful Kol Nidre, chilling devastating photos and an eerie conclusion.)
12. Kupa Synagogue - Beautiful (Chabad)
13. High Synagogue (Chabad)
14. Remu Synagogue (Chabad)
15. Krakow Ghetto tour
16. Krakow today
