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  • Theodore Frederick Larson (1908 - 1969)
  • Cecilia Amner-Larson (1909 - d.)
    Residence 1911: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan Residence 1930: Alameda, Alameda, California Residence 1939: San Francisco, San Francisco, California
  • Simon Peter Larsen (1890 - d.)
    Residence 1900: Badger Township, Kingsbury, South Dakota
  • Garfield Thomas Larson (1882 - 1959)
  • Lewis Christian Larsen (1876 - d.)
    Residence 1885: Lincoln, Kearney, Nebraska Residence 1900: Cosmo Township, Kearney, Nebraska Residence 1910: Antelope, Franklin, Nebraska Residence 1920: Elm Creek, Buffalo, Nebraska Residence ...

Americanized form (and a rare Swedish variant) of Swedish Larsson . Americanized form of Danish Norwegian and North German Larsen and Larssen.

Source: Dictionary of American Family Names 2nd edition, 2022