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Les Fleurs de l'Orient (Genealogy of the Major Sephardi Families of the Ottoman Empire)

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Profiles is a regularly updated database that contains family trees of (mainly) Jewish families of the Ottomon Empire.

Curator: Leanne Minny

NOTE 1: if any information on the site is incorrect please contact the site webmaster direct.

NOTE 2: Surnames and spelling were very fluid in the early generations. Examples

  • If a wife was from a well known family they might use her surname
  • Spelling would be different depending on where they lived - Mani (Iraq) = Minney (English)
  • there was a fair amount of intermarrying (cousins etc)
  • girls were often described as the daughter of xxx and then the wife of xxx - so their first name has been lost to future generations.

For names in Geni

  • put the most common spelling in the name fields
  • put all others in the AKA field with a common seperating them

This project is to link the tops of the families to their Geni counterparts