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Looking for the spouse(s) of Mary Jane Eteson

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Mary Jane Eteson, born March 1835 in Preston, Lancashire, England had 6 children, we believe she was never married.

Her father was: William Eteson, born 1799 in Knaresborough, North Yorkshire, England and her mother was Hannah Newstead, born Feb 1803 in Easingwood, Yorkshire, England

Her children were: Frederick Eteson, born 1855, Hannah Eteson, born 1857, Emma Eteson, born 1859, Priscilla Eteson, born 1865 - d1950, John William Eteson, born 1866 - d1917, and Harriet Eteson, born 1870

I'm a descendant of John William Eteson We do not know who his father was and are trying to figure out who he was.

We believe Mary Jane Eteson could have had two relationships that produced children. One that produced Mary's first three children, Frederick, Hannah and Emma and another that produced Priscilla, John William and Harriet. This is a guess due to the time gap of 6 years between Emma and Priscilla also we have not found any record of Mary Jane Eteson getting married.

Many Census records show William Eteson listed as the father of Mary's children when he's actually the Grandfather. We do not believe William Eteson is the father and is just helping to cover up his daughter's illegitimate children.

Emma Eteson listed her father as William Knowles on her marriage registration. Her sister Hannah listed no father on her marriage registration.

As of April 5, 2021, we are thinking William Knowles is likely the father of Mary Jane Eteson's first three children (Frederick, Hannah, Emma) and possibly a different father for the rest of her children.

William Knowles could be the father of all her children but we have no confirmation.