The Lusk family came to America in two different groupings; one arrived in Connecticut and another came thru Philadelphia. This is the Philadelphia line arriving from Ulster, Belfast, Ireland circa 1715. Per DNA testing this branch of the family came into Scotland, prior to the year 1000, thru the Orkney Islands as Vikings. At some point after the year 1250 it appears that the Lusk surname emerged from the Leask family in Scotland, with whom we share DNA.
In the Colonies we first settled in Chester County, PA but have been on the move since, South and West since about 1730. The family grew and expanded into Virginia, the Carolinas, Tennessee, Mississippi, Arkansas, Kentucky, Texas, Louisiana and Missouri.
The extended family tree on Ancestry contains over 6,000 names but cannot be brought here thru Gedcom so the goal is to slowly add names over time.