---2012-VI-28-do-11:48+GMT-summer~time-jMu- - welcome everyone who takes care of profiles of the 'de Moucheron-family' to share information, media, books, documentation and other sources about this old Dutch-originated family .....
de MOUCHERON ❦ family ‧ genealogy
Would it be possible this name refers to the situation that Balthazar was traveling to MOSKOU to be ambassador there?
Aussi de COUCHOURON ? On m'a dit.... Ou bien COUCHERON ...? -De- Moschkon ~ Mosconi ~ perhaps?
Elders op internet gevonden dM: de Moucheron
- Aliénor dM ◦ 1978 ◦ moeder v Balthazar BERGERON ◦
- Cosme dM ◦ 1957 ◦ vader v Marie-Céline XYZ ◦
- Domitille dM ◦ 1993 ◦ dochter v Cosme dM & Christine de CRÉPY ◦
- Frédéric dM ◦ 1996 ◦ zoon v Cosme dM & Christine de CRÉPY ◦
- Marguerite dM ◦ 1987 ◦ dr v Cosme dM & Christine de CRÉPY ◦
- Marie-Céline dM ◦ 1983 ◦ dr v Cosme dM & Christine de CRÉPY ◦
- Melchior dM ◦ 1988 ◦ zn v Cosme dM & Christine de CRÉPY ◦
- Samuel dM ◦ 1615 okt. ◦ doop-getuige in Doesburg ◦ bron
Geni-profile-search-results with some ALIAS-sur-o-FAMILY-names
- -de- MOUCHERON : >239 results
- -de- COUCHERON : >175 results in geni-search
- COUCHOURON : no results yet
- MOSKERON : 1 result: Anselmo ◦ c.1140-1214 ◦
- -de- MOSCHKON :
- MOSCONE : f.i. George Moscone
Huwelijk-de MOUCHERON-Marriage
Meer info
- Nina WEDDE ◦ Isaac de MOUCHERON ‧ 1667-1744 ‧ His life and works with a catalogue raisonne of his drawings, watercolours, paintings and etchings • Europaische Hochschulschriften Reihe Xxviii • Kunstgeschichte • Paperback
- aanvulling welkom !