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Maarjamaa risti kavalerid - Order of the Cross of Terra Mariana

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Palume kõik Maarjamaa risti kavalerid siia koguda.
NB! Kõigi siia lisatud isikute isikukirjesse (profiili) peab olema lisatud viide Presidendi Teenetärgi Kavaleride andmebaasi kirjele (või ka muule samaväärsele kinnitavale allikale).
See on vähim mida enne kavaleride projekti lisamist peaks tegema...

The Order of the Cross of Terra Mariana (Estonian: Maarjamaa Risti teenetemärk, also the Order of the Cross of St. Mary's Land) was instituted by the President of Estonia, Lennart Meri, on 16 May 1995 to honour the independence of the Estonian state. (The Latin name Terra Mariana, meaning the "Land of Mary", is a poetic synonym for Estonia, and designated the area which includes what is now Estonia in medieval times.)
The Order of the Cross of Terra Mariana is bestowed upon the President of the Republic. Presidents of the Republic who have ceased to hold office keep the Order of the Cross of Terra Mariana. The Collar of the Order was used de facto as the badge of office of the President of the Republic, since Soviet authorities took the original presidential collar, that of the Order of the National Coat of Arms, out of Estonia after the Soviet occupation of Estonia in 1940; it remains as of 2023 in the Kremlin in Moscow. A new collar of that order was made in 2008.
The Order of the Cross of Terra Mariana is also given as a decoration of the highest class to foreigners who have rendered special services to the Republic of Estonia. As such it is the highest and most distinguished order granted by Estonia to non-Estonian citizens.