Biographical Summary =="II. John Glassich Mackenzie , who appears to have been a minor at his father's death......John Glassich married Janet Agnes, daughter of James Fraser of Phoineas, brother of Hug...
Biographical Summary "VI. Kenneth Mackenzie , a strong Loyalist during the wars of Montrose and the Covenanters. He was fined by the Committee of Estates for his adherence to the King, under the Act of...
SIR HECTOR MACKENZIE OF GAIRLOCH Baronet======First Marriage===MACKENZIEHECTOR BARONETCOCHRANE /CHALMERS FR67 (FR67) 25/07/1778 685/1 510 119 Edinburgh===Evidence from the National Records of Scotland=...
Biographical Summary =="V. Alexander Mackenzie, 5th of Gairloch Alexander married, first, Margaret, third daughter of Roderick Mor Mackenzie, I. of Redcastle, by his wife, Finguala or Florence, daughte...
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