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Madison County, North Carolina

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Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Madison County, North Carolina.

Official Website

Madison County was established in 1851 and was named after President James Madison.

Adjacent Counties

Towns, Townships & Communities

Barnard | Beech | Big Laurel | Big Pine Creek | Bull Creek | Chapel | Ebbs | Faust | Foster Creek | Glenn | Grapevine | Hot Springs | Hurricane | Joe | Laurel | Little Pine Creek | Luck | Mars Hill | Marshall (County Seat) | Meadow Fork of Spring Creek | Middle Fork of Ivy | Paint Rock | Petersburg | Revere | Revere Rice Cove | Sandy Mush | Shelton Laurel | Spring Creek | Trust | Upper Laurel | Walnut | West Fork of Ivy | White Rock


Cemeteries of North Carolina


National Register of Historic Places

Genealogy Trails

NC Gen Web

NC Estate Files - Madison County

Old Buncombe County Genealogical Society


New Horizons Genealogy

Genealogy Village