(FR) La Maison d'Armagnac était une ancienne et puissante famille noble française, né au IXe siècle, et un descendant de l'ancienne lignée des ducs de Gascogne. Ses membres ont reçu d'autres territoires ainsi que les Charolais, La Marche, le Pardiac et du comté de Castres, entre autres.
(EN) The House of Armagnac was an old and powerful French noble family that emerged in the ninth century, and descending from the ancient line of the dukes of Gascony. Its members were also appropriated other territories such as Charolais, La Marche, Pardiac and the County of Castres among others.
(OC) L'Ostal d'Armanhac foguèt una anciana e poderosa familha de la noblesa francesa, sorgida dins lo sègle IX, e descendent del linhatge dels ancians ducs de Gasconha. Los sieus membres s'adjudiquèron de mai autres territòris coma lo Charolais, la Partisca, lo Pardiac e lo comtat de Castres entre d'autras.
(CA) La Casal d'Armagnac va ser una antiga i poderosa família de la noblesa francesa, sorgida en el segle IX, i descendent del llinatge dels antics ducs de Gascunya. Els seus membres es van adjudicar a més altres territoris com el Charolais, la Marxi, el Pardiac i el comtat de Castres entre d'altres.
(ES) La Casa de Armagnac fue una antigua y poderosa familia de la nobleza francesa, surgida en el siglo IX, y descendiente del linaje de los antiguos duques de Gascuña. Sus miembros se adjudicaron además otros territorios como el Charolais, La Marche, el Pardiac y el condado de Castres entre otros.
Naming Conventions
- First Name: Birth name in their respective language, followed by their ordinal, ex. Arnaut I.
- Middle Name: Middle names are rare at this time and if the person had two names, they usually used both in combination, ex. Pèire Bernat. Place the nickname in this field, enclosed in single qoutes, ex. el Gran.
- Last Name: Obviously, people did not have surnames in this period (at least as we use them today). Use the surname field to place either the person's familial place of reign (usually being born a prince of somewhere). where they were born, and in some cases, their house name, ex. de Roergue. Patronymic names are also placed in this field, before any typographic name, ex. Remíriz de Aragón.
- Suffix: The suffix field should be used for titles, ex. Comte d'Urgell. In many cases, a person will have multiple titles. For simplicity and legibility, use the title of most importance.
- Maiden Name: In all cases, leave this field blank.
- Display Name: This field should be used as a more concise reiteration of the full name, often omitting redundant typographic surnames, ex. Ponç I, Comte d'Empúries. When the person gains their highest importance in a foreign kingdom, either by marriage or conquest, use the display name field for a their name in a language other than their own for, ex. Esteveta de Fois, Reina de Navarra vs. Estefanía de Foix, Reina de Navarra. In this example, Estefanía de Foix, would also be placed in the Nickname field. Occasionally, a person is commonly know by their nickname. In thoses cases, place this name after the given name, often omitting the ordinal, ex. Guifré el Pilós, Comte de Barcelona.
- Nickname: All name variants additional nicknames should be place in the Nickname field.
Branches cadettes
- Maison de Armagnac-Nemours
- Maison de Lomagne