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Marshall County, South Dakota

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Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Marshall County, South Dakota.

The county was created on May 2, 1885 and was named for Marshall Vincent, who homesteaded near Andover, South Dakota.

Adjacent Counties

Cities & Towns

  • Britton (County Seat)
  • Eden
  • Lake City
  • Langford
  • Veblen

Other Townships & Communities: Amherst, Buffalo, Dayton, Dumarce, Fort, Hamilton, Hickman, Hillhead, Kidder, La Belle, Lake, Lowell, Marlow, McKinley, Miller, Newark, Newport, Nordland, Pleasant Valley, Red Iron Lake, Sisseton, Spain, Stena, Victor, Waverly, West Britton, Weston, White and Wismer


Cemeteries of South Dakota


SD Genealogy

National Register of Historic Places

Roots Web

Genealogy Trails