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Maryland General Assembly

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  • Goodloe Byron, U.S. Congress (1929 - 1978)
    Goodloe Edgar Byron (June 22, 1929 – October 11, 1978), a Democrat, was a U.S. Congressman who represented the 6th congressional district of Maryland from January 3, 1971 until his death on October 1...
  • William Veirs Bouic, Jr. (1846 - 1906)
    Studied law with his father. Practiced in partnership with Thomas Anderson, 1870-1900. Charter member, vice-president of Maryland State Bar Association, 1896. Secretary, Montgomery County Bar Associati...
  • Judge Edward Hammond (1812 - 1882)
    U.S. Representative & Judge Edward Hammond Edward Hammond was a US Democratic politician. Hammond was born at "Font Hill" near Ellicott City, Maryland. He attended the common schools, Rockhi...
  • George Dent (1690 - 1754)
    Chief Justice of Maryland George Dent (1756 – December 2, 1813) was an American planter and politician from Maryland who served in the House of Representatives from 1793 to 1801. Early life Dent wa...
  • Major William Eccleston Stewart (CSA) (1839 - 1910)
    Major William Stewart served with the 15th. Arkansas Inf. Confederate States of America. Member of the Maryland House of Delegates, 1868-1876, Dorchester County and Baltimore City