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Mentioned in dispatches

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  • Nigel Austin Stebbing (1879 - 1955)
    Nigel Austin Stebbing, M.A. 1900 D.S.O. Major (Acting Lieut.-Colonel) R.H. and R.F.A. The Distinguished Service Order awarded 1 January 1917 to Major N. A. Stebbing, 'B' 180th Brigade R.F.A. This offic...
  • Lt Col. Thomas Lyttleton de Havilland, CMG DSO (1872 - 1939)
    Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Lyttleton de Havilland, CMG, DSO. MiD(2) Mentioned in Despatches Royal Guernsey Light Infantry Formerly Major, Royal Scots Fusiliers. Served in the South African wars. s...
  • Lt.-Col. Robert Bruère Otter-Barry (1879 - 1947)
    Lt.-Col. Robert Bruère Otter-Barry was appointed Officer, Order of the British Empire (O.B.E.) Children of Phoebe Storr and Lt.-Col. Robert Bruère Otter-Barry Isabel Edith Otter-Barry b. 21 Aug 190...
  • Rowland Denys Guy Winn, 4th Baron St Oswald (1916 - 1984)
    Rowland Denys Guy Winn, 4th Baron Saint Oswald of Nostell was born on 19 September 1916. He was the son of Rowland George Winn, 3rd Baron Saint Oswald of Nostell and Evie Carew Greene. He married, ...
  • Captain Francis Joseph Mace (1836 - 1927)
    Biography Francis Joseph Mace was born in Madeira, in the year 1837, and was educated in Leamington, Warwickshire, and at Islington, London, England. In 1856 he came to New Zealand with his parents i...

To be mentioned in dispatches (or despatches, MiD) describes a member of the armed forces whose name appears in an official report written by a superior officer and sent to the high command, in which their gallant or meritorious action in the face of the enemy is described.

In some countries, a service member's name must be mentioned in dispatches as a condition for receiving certain decorations.