Viet Nam began as two states, a northern one, Annam, Nam Viet, or Dai Viet, that was strongly under Chinese influence, and for a long actually a part of China, and a southern one, Champa, where strong Indian influence can even be seen in the names of its kings (e.g. Rudravarman, much like the names of Cambodian kings). In time, having won its freedom from China, the northern kingdom conquered the southern one, and the Chinese cultural influence overwhelmed the Indian.
- Lý Thái Tổ
- Lý Thái Tông
- Lý Thánh Tông
- Lý Nhân Tông
- Lý Thần Tông
- Lý Anh Tông
- Lý Cao Tông
- Lý Huệ Tông
- Lý Chiêu Hoàng
- Trần Thái Tông
- Trần Thánh Tông
- Trần Nhân Tông
- Trần Anh Tông
- Gia Long
- Minh Mạng