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Please add profiles for people who were born, lived or died in Monroe County, Ohio.

Official Website

Monroe County was formed on January 28, 1813 and was named after James Monroe, the U.S. Secretary of State when the county was formed, and later fifth President of the United States.

Adjacent Counties


  • Antioch
  • Beallsville
  • Clarington
  • Graysville
  • Jerusalem
  • Lewisville
  • Miltonsburg
  • Stafford
  • Wilson
  • Woodsfield (County Seat)

Towns, Townships & Communities

Adams | Agin | Aitch | Alexis | Altitude | Benton | Benwood | Bethel | Bingham | Brister | Brownsville | Burkhart | Calais | Cameron | Carrick | Center | Cline | Doherty | Duffy | Fly | Edwina | Ethel | Franklin | Green | Greenbrier | Griffith | Hannibal | Hartshorn | Herlan | Irish Ridge | Jackson | Jericho | Jolly | Laings | Lee | Malaga | Marr | Masterton | Monroefield | Morton | Oak | Ohio | Ozark | Perry | Poulton | Quarry | Rinard Mills | Rings Mill | Round Bottom | Salem | Sardis | Seneca | Sprague | Summit | Sunsbury | Swazey | Switzer | Switzerland | Sycamore Valley | Trail Run | Twilight | Washington | Wayne | Wittens


Cemeteries of Ohio


National Register of Historic Places

Monroe County History

Ohio Genealogical Society-Monroe County Chapter

Genealogy Express

Genealogy Trails

Roots Web

OH Gen Web