[Note: 1874 revision list explicitly states his birth date as Nov 9 1838.
He is listed in prior revision list as avram wulf, but there is another son of aron born in 1850 or 1851 named Wulf.
MOSES ISAAC (Darshan ; also known as the Kelmer Maggid ; 1828–1899), the main preacher of the *Musar movement, Moses Isaac was born near Slonim. In his youth he already showed exceptional abilities as ...
HaRav Yisrael Meir (Kagan) Poupko (1838 - 1933) known popularly as The Chofetz Chaim was an influential Eastern European rabbi, Halakhist, posek, and ethicist whose works continue to be widely influent...
Reb Shraga Frank Family Tree Bio by Chaim Shapiro הרב שרגא פייבל פרנק (תר"ג, 1843 - תרמ"ו, 1886[ היה תלמיד חכם ועשיר נכבד באלקסוט, פרבר של העיר קובנה; מתלמידי רבי ישראל מסלנט. - Wikipedia - Hebrew Reb ...
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