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Naturalized Lithuanians of Detroit

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  • Charles Yoches (c.1890 - 1945)
    This is a user-friendly profile. There are no links to Ancestry and MyHeritage as both require paid membership to view documents. Documents are provided on the Media tab. Thank you. Missing: Ship mani...
  • Mary Verbit (c.1898 - 1966)
    This is a user-friendly profile. There are no links to Ancestry and MyHeritage as both require paid membership to view documents. Documents are provided on the Media tab. Thank you. Burial-
  • Peter Verbiski (1888 - 1958)
    This is a user-friendly profile. There are no links to Ancestry and MyHeritage as both require paid membership to view documents. Documents are provided on the Media tab. Thank you. Burial- Missing:...
  • Mary Przygodzki (1876 - 1947)
    Burial- Mary's naturalization documents are housed at Archives of Michigan. Fee collected to retrieve them. This is a user-friendly profile. There are no links to Ancestry and MyHeritage as both req...
  • Stanley Puidokas (1893 - 1958)
    This is a user-friendly profile. There are no links to Ancestry and MyHeritage as both require paid membership to view documents. Documents are provided on the Media tab. Thank you. Did not locate: S...


Geni profiles are created from documents posted on Linking Our Lithuanian Ancestors-Detroit Facebook group, and those discovered while creating profiles.

Candidates are Lithuanians:
-that naturalized before moving to Detroit
-that naturalized while living in Detroit
-born in Scotland, Germany, Russia, France or Canada to Lithuanian-born parents.


Draugas newspaper for geni project, Naturalized Lithuanians of Detroit. Rita Razmas, Draugas employee, 12-11-2024, 1:30 pm est. Phone: 773-585-9500.

Michiganology (Archives of Michigan) documents-public documents per Rachel Clark, Reference Desk, Archives of Michigan, 11-14-2024, email. She asked that profile creators inclued Archives of Michigan as source.

Look for the following to tag when uploading death and marriage records:

Detroit Funeral Directors (incomplete)

Charles (Kazys) Stepanauckas

Dominic B Brazis

Detroit Priests (incomplete):

Rev. Eugene Joseph Shteigmanas

Rev Ignas Boreisis

Rev Kazimieras Skrypka

Rev. Fabijonas Kemesis, PhD

Rev Kazimieras (Charles) Valaitis

Monsignor Joseph Bruno Čižauskas

Rev. George F Jonaitis

Rev. Walter J Stanievich

Kun. Viktoras Kriščiūnevičius- no geni profile yet

Kun. Vincas Misevičius (Savage)- no geni profile yet