"The Active was fitted with all the essentials and on 19 November 1814 the brig, in the charge of Captain Hansen, sailed to the Bay of Islands. Among the persons onboard were settlers Thomas Kendall, with his wife and three sons, William Hall, a carpenter with his wife and their son, and John King, a shoemaker with his wife and their son, and Hansen’s family. Also on board was Hongi, Ruatara, and as a passenger, farmer J.L Nicholas.
On Thursday, 22 December 1814, the Active arrived at the Bay of Islands and anchored at the cove of Oihi under Ruatara’s pa, Rangihoua. J.L Nicholas described the scene before them that afternoon:
We landed at the opening of a narrow valley, through which a small meandering stream made its way to the sea. The hills on each side were very steep; in some places almost perpendicular and covered with fern and trees. On the top of the hill that rose to the left of us with a rugged ascent overlooking the harbour, was the built town of Rangihoua now the residence of Ruatara and lately that of Te Pahi.
Ruatara, in preparation for Marsden’s arrival to Rangihoua and for the first sermon, fenced in half an acre of land and erected a pulpit and reading desk in its centre with black Maori cloth covering it, and upturned canoes were used for seats. At 10am on Christmas day Marsden took his place at the pulpit and reading desk and addressed the congregation with Ruatara interpreting for his people (see painting Appendix 3). There were chiefs and people from Kerikeri and Kororareka in attendance and three hundred warriors danced a furious haka around Marsden at the close of the service."
Source: https://www.doc.govt.nz/our-work/heritage/heritage-publications/by-...