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Palm Beach County, Florida

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  • Ephraim Lohela (1882 - 1967)
  • Onni Kosti Syrjäniemi (1888 - 1962)
    Syntynyt 5.6.1888 Haapajärvi - syntyneet, 1886-1896 (MKO34-40) > 41: sivu ???: vuosi 1888 toukokuu; SSHY: / Viitattu 2.4.2020 Toimittaja mm. Kansan Lehdessä , mikä oli Ohion Clevelandissa ja Ashtabul...
  • Matthew Storback (1898 - 1966)
    marriage: census:
  • Reino W. Wiitanen (1911 - 1985)
    With his parents and siblings in Manhattan, New York City, New York US Census, 1930: Avioliitto / Marriage with Esther M. Matson, 8 Jun 1934, Manhattan, New York City, New York "New York, New York...

This Project is for those who were born, lived or died in Palm Beach County, Florida
