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Parkhurst Boys: Australia and New Zealand (1842-1861)

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The Parkhurst boys were juvenile offenders from the Isle of Wight's Parkhurst Prison, who were transported to the Australian and New Zealand colonies between 1842 and 1861. Under the scheme, the boys were to be granted pardons under certain conditions such as permanent exile from England and, in the case of younger boys, undertaking apprenticeship in the colonies. 1,499 boys are recorded as being sent to the colonies where, particularly in New Zealand, the scheme was seen by some as de facto convictism. In Western Australia, however, the need for labour at that time appears to have made the young exiles acceptable. Source: State Library of Western Australia

Ships list:

  • Simon Taylor - August 1842 - 18 - Western Australia
  • St George - November 1842 - 92 - New Zealand. For an account of the arrival of the St George see the Journal of Ensign Best (p. 377).
  • Shepherd - October 1843 - 28 - Western Australia
  • Mandarin - October 1843 - 51 Tasmania
  • Mandarin - November 1843 - 31 - New Zealand
  • Halifax - December 1844 - 18 - Western Australia
  • Strathedin - December 1845 - 74 - Tasmania
  • Cumberland - January 1846 - 16 - Western Australia
  • Maitland - October 1846 - 70 - Victoria
  • Thomas Arbuthnot - May 1847 - 89 - Victoria [4]
  • Joseph Somes - September 1847 - 84 - Victoria
  • Marion -J anuary 1848 - 125 - Victoria
  • Orient - March 1848 - 51 - Western Australia
  • Eden - February 1849 - 62 - Victoria
  • Ameer - February 1849 - 50 - Western Australia
  • Hashemy - abt July 1849 - 29 - Tasmania
  • Randolph - August 1849 - 85 - Victoria
  • Mary - October 1849 - 53 - Western Australia
  • Adelaide -November 1849 - 30 - Tasmania
  • Blenheim - July 1850 - 85 - Tasmania
  • Maria Somes - August 1850 - 30 - Tasmania
  • Nile - October 1850 - 30 - Tasmania
  • Rodney - November 1850 - 40 - Tasmania
  • Mermaid - May 1851 - 43 - Western Australia
  • Lady Kennaway - May 1851 - Tasmania and Norfolk Island
  • Pyrenees - June 1851 - 29- Western Australia
  • Minden - October 1851 - 30 - Western Australia
  • Aboukir - December 1851 - Tasmania
  • Fairlie - March 1852 - Tasmania
  • Equestrian - August 1852 - Tasmania
  • Oriental Queen - October 1852 - Tasmania
  • Dudbrook - February 1853 - 1 - Western Australia
  • Lincelles - January 1862 - 1 - Western Australia


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