Pāuatahanui is a village in New Zealand's North Island. It is at the far eastern end of what was known as the Pāuatahanui Inlet, an arm of the Porirua Harbour, northeast of Wellington. In local government terms, Pauatahanui is part of the Northern Ward of Porirua City.
Early settlement and history After Te Rangihaeata was beaten in the 1846 Hutt Valley Campaign the area became safer as a route from the Hutt Valley via Belmont and Judgeford and on to the north, via Paekakariki to the Manawatu and Wanganui. The road from Wellington reached Pauatahanui in September 1848, and a reliable road to the north as far as Paekakariki was completed by November 1849. Known nowadays as the "Paekakariki Hill Road", it continued to be the main road north until the road bridge was built at Paremata in 1939. Access from the Hutt Valley was also upgraded to a road in 1873, and the road that was to become State Highway 58 from Haywards was established in the 1870s.
The first non-denominational Protestant chapel was built about 1856, and from 1861 Anglican services were held by a visiting clergyman once a fortnight. Congregations dwindled with an Anglican church built. It became tumbledown, and was demolished around 1910. Other churches were St Joseph's Catholic Church (1878) and St Alban's Anglican Church (1898).
The first hotel was constructed in 1847 by former whalers Edward Boulton and Thomas Wilson. Burned down in 1859, it was replaced by a fourteen-room Boultons Hotel. From 1865 other hotels were the Horokiwi Hotel, the Pauatahanui Hotel, the Empire Hotel and the Junction Hotel, largely to serve the Cobb and Co stagecoach traffic. In the 1911 electoral redistribution the area was transferred from the Otaki electorate to the new Wellington Suburbs and Country electorate, and no longer had William Field as a MP. The new electorate was "dry" as the precursor Wellington Suburbs electorate had already voted "dry" in the 1908 election (no alcohol).
A community hall was built in 1904. It was demolished in 1966 and replaced.
In World War II the US Marines had four camps in the Pauatahanui area; at Judgeford, at the Porirua side of the foot of the Haywards Hill, at Motukaraka, and in the Moonshine Valley. The Judgedford camp accommodated 3,755 men, the Moonshine camp had a recreation hall and a vehicle servicing depot, and the Haywards camp had a large theatre for the troops. Apart from a few huts for officers, most of the marines were in bell tents.
Environmental preservation
Pauatahanui Inlet In the early 1970s the development of sections at Whitby on the south of the Pauatahanui Inlet caused noticeable silting and raised community concerns. This ultimately led to a detailed 3-year environmental study in 1975–1977, which was published as a book in 1980. Subsequently the Pauatahanui Wildlife Reserve was created, in 1984, in order to preserve the only large estuarine wetland left in the lower North Island. The wetland reserve is run by the Royal Forest and Bird Society with ongoing efforts to reduce human impact on the environment and to restore damaged areas. The reserve has several hides for viewing birdlife, boardwalks, and some barbecue / picnic areas for visitors.
Education Pauatahanui School is notable as being one of the very few schools in New Zealand to be over 150 years old. It was established in 1855, originally in an undenominational chapel on the site of Rangihaeata's Pa, and later in the military barracks vacated by the troops. It is now increasing its pupil numbers because it serves the north-east corner of Whitby. As of March 2019, Pauatahanui School has a roll of 182 students from Years 1 to 8 (ages 5 to 12). The nearest secondary schools to Pauatahanui are Aotea College in Aotea and Porirua College in Cannons Creek, both roughly 8.5 km away.
Road links State Highway 58 skims the southern fringe of the village: to the east it leads to Judgeford, just up the valley, and over the hills to Lower Hutt in the Hutt Valley; and to the west it travels along the southern shore of the Pauatahanui Inlet skirting Whitby and through Golden Gate to meet New Zealand's most important road, State Highway 1, at Paremata at the mouth of the Inlet.
To the north, the shortest but generally not the fastest route to Paekakariki is the Paekakariki Hill Road mentioned above, serving the fertile Horokiri Valley. Branching off that road just beyond the urban limit is Grays Road, leading to Plimmerton.
Notable buildings
St Alban's Church and cemetery (refer list of burials below). St Alban's Church, built in 1898, in Pauatahanui, Porirua is the second church to be built in Pauatahanui, New Zealand. St Alban's Church was listed by the New Zealand Historic Places Trust as a Category 2 historic place in 1983. Pauatahanui has a group of regionally significant 19th century buildings. They include St Alban's Church, St Joseph’s Roman Catholic Church, Thomas Stace Cottage, Barrys Place Historical Cottage and the Taylor-Stace Cottage.
Built in 1847, Taylor-Stace Cottage is the Wellington region's oldest surviving house, origianlly built by William and Ann Taylor nee May.
The former community hall (erected in 1967) was leased to a local company in 2003 and converted into the Lighthouse Cinema, the only cinema in Porirua's northeastern area.
List of Burials
PAUATAHANUI, PORIRUA CITY Prepared by Sharon Evans, a member of the Burial Ground Management Committee March 2011 ______________________________________________________________________ The Pauatahanui Burial Ground occupies .34 of a hectare on the southern edge of Pauatahanui village in Porirua City. It is reached by using the driveway leading from Paekakariki Hill Road to St. Alban’s Church, the driveway entrance being immediately to the left of the war memorial. The Burial Ground is behind a tall hedge on the right side of the driveway, while the church and its cemetery are on the left side. The Burial Ground was established on land donated by the STACE family in 1856. A Trust was set up to own and administer the burial ground. In 2004, a process was started which was designed to allow the Porirua City Council to become the owner, and for the Council and local residents to share responsibility for maintenance. This process culminated in the passage of the Porirua City Council (Pauatahanui Burial Ground) Act 2007. The Council’s archives became the repository for records associated with the Burial Ground. The legal processes necessary to close the Burial Ground to further burials were completed in December 2004, although there will be a small number of burials in the future, in plots already purchased, and interment of ashes in existing plots where feasible. The first burial with a surviving headstone, that of 26-year old Maria BRADEY, took place in 1860, and the most recent was the interment of the ashes of John Barrie GLASSON in 2009. Below is a transcription of the information on the headstones and plaques on the graves in the burial ground. A transcription in 2004 updated that carried out by the New Zealand Society of Genealogists in 1979. Burial records for this burial ground are incomplete, and are not presented here. The 2004 transcription was carried out by the following members of the Porirua Branch of the New Zealand Society of Genealogists: Ross Bonnell, Pam Edmonds, Sharon Evans, Cliff Matthews, Lorraine Matthews and Heather Mountjoy. The transcription was updated in November 2008 to include 28 probable graves which were identified by a ground-penetrating radar survey in June 2008. They are shown in this transcription as [Probable grave]. The transcription was updated in 2010 to correct some spelling errors, and to include hearsay information about three plots which have no headstones. The descriptions of these plots are in italics. The transcription was further updated in 2011 to include the inscription on the SHARP grave. The plot numbers in this transcription correspond to those on the plan produced by the Porirua City Council labeled “Pauatahanui Burial Ground/ Pauatahanui, Porirua/March 2010. PRESENTATION OF INFORMATION Surnames are shown in upper case letters. Square brackets [ ] are used to denote information which is not on any headstone but which is relevant to the nature or situation of the grave. Curly brackets { } are used to denote information on headstones which is likely to be the name of the firm of stonemasons which made the headstone. Plots which have been paid for, but not yet used, are described as ‘Pre-purchased plot’. There are 126 plots in 16 rows. There are several types of plot. The most common is a built grave with one or more headstones. Other types are: a built grave with no headstone; a headstone with no built structure; an area with a wooden or ironwork fence and no headstone; a probable grave with nothing visible above ground; and a bare plot that has been purchased for future use. Each type of plot may cover more than one burial. Abbreviations a. – aged b. – born c. - circa d. - died dau. – daughter daus. - daughters ILMO – in loving memory of IMO – in memory of IPM – in precious memory ISMO – in sacred memory of ISRO – in sacred remembrance of husb. - husband STTMO – sacred to the memory of TTMO – to the memory of Several headstones include information about family members who died in World War I, but are (presumably) buried overseas. Row 1 1. [Probable grave]. Row 2 2. ILMO a dear wife, mother, grandma, Anne MOFFAT, b. Scotland 31.1.1903, d. 13.3.1992. Beyond the sunset, o glad reunion. ILMO a dear husband and father, George MOFFAT, d. 11 September 1956, a. 52. In the sweet bye and bye, we shall meet on that beautiful shore. Row 3 3. ILMO Ada HOLLINGDRAKE, dearly loved wife of the late Albert, who departed this life 12 Feb 1967, a. 71 years. 4. ILMO Albert, dearly loved husb. of Ada HOLLINGDRAKE, who departed this life 19 Nov 1949, a. 54 years. 5. ILMO mother, Annie JACKSON, d. 7 September 1949, a. 85, father Harry JACKSON, d. 26 October 1951, a. 90 years. 6. ILMO John McKay CAMPBELL, beloved husb. of Priscilla Ann CAMPBELL, Plimmerton, b. Perth, Scotland and d. Wellington 15 May 1948, in his 79th year. Also his beloved wife Priscilla Ann CAMPBELL, b. Christchurch, d. Wellington 22 September 1958, in her 93rd year. Thy Will Be Done. 7. STTMO Charles William DALLASTON, d. 27 Feb 1946. In His Presence is Fullness of Joy. 8. ILMO Louisa TILLY, d. Aug 11 1940, a. 79. At rest. 9. IMO James Albert MERRICK, who d. 18 May 1940, a. 80. Row 4 10. ILMO Thomas TREMBATH, fell asleep 20 September 1954, a. 72 years. A beloved husb. and father. Also his beloved wife Elizabeth Jane TREMBATH, d. 9 October 1961, a. 79 years. A loved mother and father. 11. ILMO Emma Isabella, beloved wife of Herbert W. P. TAYLOR, d. January 27 1917, a. 33 years. Thy Will Be Done. [Headstone has fallen over]. 12. ILMO William TAYLOR, d. 13 Jan 1930, a. 79 years. Catherine TAYLOR, d. 7 May 1931, a. 76 years. 13. ILMO Ada Alice NUTTALL d. 12 March 1936, a. 59 years. Row 5 14. Isabella SISTERSON, a. 63, d. 5 December 1933. 15. ILMO James Henry, loved husb. of Emily BETTANY, d. 4 June 1931, a. 76. Inez Evelyn BETTANY, d. 6 June 1941, a. 54. Emily Jessie, loved wife of James BETTANY, d. 4 February 1947, a. 93. She hath done what she could. Roland BETTANY, loved son of James and Emily, b. 23rd May 1892, d. 22nd June 1989, a. 97. The Lord Giveth, The IRD Taketh. Dedicated Mechanical Engineer. 16. Albert COOK, d. 5 November 1930, a. 58. 17. STTMO John Mayson CALLENDER, d. 6 October 1919, a. 68. Also Gertrude, beloved wife of above, d. 21 July 1936, in her 85th year, RIP. 18. Annie MACKENZIE, ILMO Anne, who passed on 27 November 1916, a. 14 years. How sad but sweet the memory of a loved one gone to rest. 19. ILMO David GALLOWAY, d. 24 June 1911, a. 63. {Hickmott & Son}. Tho sad we mark the closing eye of those we loved in days gone by. Yet sweet in death their latest song. We’ll meet again twill not be long. 20. ILMO James, dearly beloved husb. of Elizabeth GARDNER, d. 21 December 1899, a. 45. He took up his cross. And of Elizabeth Anne, beloved wife of above, who d. 24 July 1921, a. 63. Trust & they trusting soul shall prove Christ is thy strength, and Christ thy love. Until the day break and the shadows flee away. [Added stone] ILMO 17/64. Cpl. James GARDNER, No. 4. Lewis M. G. Sect., 1st Auckland Batt., who died of wounds 9 July 1916, a. 28, interred in Cite Bon Jean Cemetery, Armentieres. Hail and farewell. All honour give to those, who nobly striving nobly fell that we might live. 21. ILMO Edward, beloved husb. of Matilda BOULTON, d. 2 November 1920, a. 63 years, and Matilda, his wife, d. 9 October 1926, a. 64 years. ILMO Edward Keith, loving husb. of Florence Ethel BOULTON, d. 6 August 1911, a. 22. Loved by all who knew him. Beloved son of E. & M. BOULTON. STTMO Kenneth Henry BOULTON, killed at Gallipoli, 8 May 1915, a. 22 years. In Memory Ever Dear. 22. Carl Theodore NORDELL, d. 31 December 1917, a. 64. 23. ILMO Emma, beloved wife of William GALLOWAY, d. 26 November 1918, a. 62 years. Sadly missed. Also William GALLOWAY, d. 28 April 1920, a. 63 years. So loved so mourned. Row 6 24. ILMO James Henry COOK, d. 4 September 1931, a. 67. Thy Will be
done. 25. ILMO Eleanor, second dau. of the late John & Eleanor JONES, who d. 3 August 1928, in her 52nd year. Sunshine passes, shadows fall. Loving remembrance outlasts all. Mary Hannah JONES, b. 23 January 1875, d. 4 November 1950, eldest dau. of John & Eleanor JONES. Peacefully sleeping. 26. IPM Irene Ruby JACOBSON (nee MILLEN) d. 6 Oct 1989, a. 92 years. ISRO Ada Sarah MILLEN, who departed this life 28 May 1969. James MILLEN, d. 30 December 1947, in his 80th year. At rest. Lillian, dearly loved dau. of James & Ada MILLEN, who departed this life 7 January 1932, a. 30. So loved so mourned. Remembering Lt. Col. John Barrie GLASSON, RNZAOC, d. 28 December 2008, a. 77, loved husb. of Jean and father of David and Barrie. 27. ILMO Nellie Shaw HUDSON, 28.1.1907 – 24.12.1993. Loved & always remembered. ILMO Nellie ROSS, dearly beloved wife of Robert Gilmer McClure ROSS, who departed this life 25 February 1954, a. 82. Robert Gilmer McClure ROSS, dearly beloved husb. of Nellie ROSS, d. 11 October 1930, a. 52. I know that my redeemer liveth. 28. ILMO Barbara Henderson BRUCE, beloved wife of Thomson BRUCE, d. 14 April 1946, late of Peterhead, Scotland. With Christ which is far better. Thomson BRUCE, beloved husb. of the late Barbara Henderson BRUCE, d. 9 January 1949, late of Peterhead, Scotland. Abide with me. Corrie, youngest dau. of Thomson & Barbara BRUCE, d. 27 March 1930, in her 16th year. In the homeland. 29. STTMO Ellen Maria BOULTON, second dau. of the late Edward & Isabelle BOULTON, of Pahautanui, d. 26 January 1934, a. 73. Abide with me. 30. ILMO Hannah, beloved wife of Stephen JONES, d. 21 March 1921, a. 56, Stephen, husb. of Hannah JONES, d. 21 September 1926, a. 69. At rest. 31. ILMO Amelia, dearly beloved wife of George GALLOWAY, d. 24 May 1943, a. 78. At rest. George, dearly beloved husb. of Amelia GALLOWAY, d. 2 April 1920, a. 61. At rest. Row 7 32. [Pre-purchased plot.] 33. [Pre-purchased plot.] 34. William Noel PATTERSON – Sandy. Born Bandon, Eire 1934. Died Wellington 1999. Beloved husb. of Rosemary and loved father of Sarah, Emma and James. 35. [Pre-purchased plot.] 36. STTMO James Andrew GRAY, 11 Feb 1932 – 24 Feb 1999. Eldest son of James Swann GRAY. Husb. of Claire Florence JENKINS. 37. [Pre-purchased plot.] 38. [Pre-purchased plot.] 39. Bruce Nathaniel GIRDLESTONE, 1917 – 1992. Dearly loved husb. of Patricia. Father of Caroline and John. Prince of story-tellers. 40. [Pre-purchased plot.] 41. ILMO William Richard SHARP, 14 September 1912 – 19 May 2007. Beloved husb, of June. Dearly loved father of Anne-Marie, Rosemary and Jonathan. Adored Grandpa. When I survey the wonderous cross, on which the prince of glory died, my richest gain I count but loss, and pour contempt on all my pride. Forever in our hearts. 42. [Pre-purchased plot.] Row 8 43. ILMO William Thomas STAPLES, d. 9 November 1925, a. 43. So loved in life: so mourned in death. 44. ILMO dear Doris, eldest dau. of Arthur & May BUCKLAND, who d. 17 October 1927, a. 20 years. Sadly missed. 45. ILMO Harold Richard, beloved husb. of Gertrude TREGURTHA, d. 23 May 1946, a. 65. Gone but not forgotten. Gertrude Mary Elizabeth, beloved wife of Harold TREGURTHA, d. 22 April 1959, a. 80. Remembered with love. Bertha M. E. TREGURTHA, dau. of Harold & Gertrude, d. 2 May 1929, a. 23. To memory ever dear. 46. ILMO Margaret BENNETT, beloved wife of William Hebden BENNETT, d. 23 January 1940, a. 82. At rest. ILMO William Hebden BENNETT, husb. of Margaret BENNETT, d. 5 November 1929, a. 74. Thy will be done. 47. [Double concrete plot with no inscription.] This is thought to be the grave of John Sydney DEATH, b. 1886, d. 1927. 48. ILMO Alfred, beloved husb. of Hannah Emily IGGULDEN, who d. 23 July 1923, a. 77, At rest. Hannah Emily, beloved wife of Alfred IGGULDEN, who d. 29 June 1942, a. 91. At rest. 49. ILMO George IGGULDEN, who d. 4 October 1947, a. 62. Row 9 50. ILMO mother & father; Helen BARROW, d. 21 June 1879, a. 48, Stephen BARROW, d. 6 December 1903, a. 75. Rest for the toiling hands. Rest for the anxious brow. Rest for the way worn feet. Rest from all labour now. The two concrete graves in the same enclosure are thought to be those of Stephen BARROW’s parents, Sarah Ann BARROW, b.c. 1789, d. December 1852, and her husb. James BARROW, b. 1789, d. August 1860. It is said that Sarah was buried on the family farm at Horokiwi, and later disinterred and reburied here. 51. ILMO Ann GALLOWAY, d. 2 November 1901, a. 80, also David GALLOWAY, husb. of the above, d. 10 March 1907, a. 89. “Although their chairs are empty now, and our loved ones are no more, what blessed comfort ‘tis to know, we’ll meet on the Golden shore. Then bear with trials as they come, they may for the best, our parents happier are than we, for they are now at rest”. 52. [Concrete plot surrounded by wrought iron fence. No headstone.] 53. [There is no plot numbered 53.] Row 10 54. ILMO Agnes Mary, wife of Frederick BRADEY, d. 4 September 1909, a. 73, also Frederick BRADEY, d. 8 August 1911, a. 80. {-Hellyer-}. 55. ILMO Maria BRADEY, who d. 2 May 1860, a. 26, Emma BRADEY, who d. 6 May 1865, a. 22, Mary BRADEY, who d. 3 June 1865, a. 10 years. 56. STTMO Ellen DRAPER, wife of B. DRAPER, d. 13 March 1878, a. 50, also C. E. DRAPER, son of B. & E. DRAPER, d. 18 May 1860, a. 3 years. [Indecipherable verse.] 57. [Plot surrounded by wooden fence. No headstone.] 58. [Probable grave]. 59. [Probable grave]. Row 11 60. ILMO Alfred JUDGE, who d. 7 July 1895, a. 70. Gone, but not forgotten. Also Helen, who d. 25 June 1866, a. 37, and Elizabeth, who d. 29 September 1872, a. 44, wives of the above. 61. STTMO William BOON, who d. 26 July 1880, also Caroline CHAMPION, who d. 16 July 1881, also George CHAMPION, husb. of the above, who d. 8 June 1882. 62. Emily G FOSTER. [No headstone. In 1979 there was a headstone, broken into three pieces, with an inscription which probably said ‘d. 1 November 1872, a. 26’.] 63. Jane HILLS, d. 1 September 1887, a. 38. 64. In loving remembrance of Thomas Hollis STACE, d. 5 August 1890, a. 70, also Amelia, wife of the above, d. 24 December 1894, a. 74. William N. STACE, d. 17 December 1926, a. 73, also ILMO Emma M. HARROWER, d. 30 September 1930, and Thomas HARROWER, d. 2 August 1941. Arthur STACE, d. 6 August 1886, Julia STACE, d. 21 October 1910, also Charles CARTER, d. 8 October 1923 and his wife Hannah Sophia CARTER, d. 17 June 1932. Thomas Alfred STACE, d. 9 August 1866, a. 86, Charlotte STACE, d. 2 April 1868, a. 70. John Eric REA, d. 1 March 1996, much loved stillborn son of David and Joanne. We held you for a moment in our arms, but forever in our hearts. 65. Mary, wife of George FLUX, d. 20 March 1888. God is love. 66. [Probable grave]. 67. [Probable grave]. 68. ILMO Oliver, husb. of Selena DEATH, who d. 25 May 1914, a. 51, also Rflm. Henry DEATH, beloved youngest son of the above, killed in action in France 19 August 1917, a. 22. Selena, wife of Oliver DEATH, who d. 4 March 1941, a. 79. 69. [Large concrete plot. No headstone]. This is thought to have been bought by the DEATH family, but never used. 70. [Probable grave]. 71. [Probable grave]. 72. [Probable grave]. Row 12 73. STTMO Sarah Oliver, wife of Archibald FLIGHTY, d. 21 April 1892, a. 75, also Archibald, husb. of the above, d. 4 May 1901, a. 90. {- Mansfield-}. ILMO Stephen FLIGHTY, d. 28 June 1899, a. 55. Beloved one, farewell. {-McGill, Wellington-}. 74. [Black granite, incised – STTMO – then an unreadable painted inscription. Double plot surrounded by a high iron paling ornamental fence]. 75. ILMO William MITCHELL, born at Paisley, died at Horokiwi Valley, 16 June 1869, a. 42, Janet MITCHELL, born at Wigtown, died at Wellington 23 October 1913, a. 83, also their daus., Elizabeth, d. 7 May 1875, a. 22, Jeannie, d. 17 July 1883, a. 28. God is love. 76. ILMO Edward BOULTON, d. 2 December 1897, in his 80th year, and of his grand-child, Frances BOULTON, d. August 1897, a. 4 weeks, also his wife, Isabell Rodger BOULTON, d. 1 September 1915, a. 79. Also his second son, Thomas Charles BOULTON, d. 16 April 1915, a. 52. In life, in death, O Lord abide with me. 77. ILMO David, drowned 5 August 1878, a. 19 years, Ada Lillian, d. 19 April 1879, a. 1 years 9 mos [sic], David Edgar, d. 19 May 1880, a. 3 months, Grace Etheline, infant, David BROWN, father of the above, d. 27 January 1885, a. 63. Valerie Rose HARRIS (nee Brown), 11 May 1928 – 27 December 2003. great granddaughter of David BROWN. {- Helyer-}. 78. ILMO Sarah SMITH, d.17 October 1870, a. 74, Charles C. PERKINS, her grandson, d. 28 August 1885, a. 43, Charles SMITH, her son, d. 4 August 1890, a. 63, also Mary Ann SMITH, relict of C. SMITH, d. 17 November 1909, a. 83. Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. 79. ISMO James GRAY, who d. 22 February 1874, a. 44. Also William FLORENCE, who d. 26 February 1915, a. 72. Also Christina FLORENCE, wife of the above, who entered into rest 17 March 1921, in her 90th year. She hath done what she could. And of Christina, dau. of James and Christine GRAY, who d. 26 May 1934, a. 69. {-Hickmott & Sons -}. 80. [Three wooden posts and wooden frame for headstone, but no headstone.] 81. STTMO Jennie, beloved wife of George JONES, d. 18 December 1899, a. 36. Andrew, son of the above, d. 7 February 1895, a. 3 years. George JONES, beloved husb. of Grace JONES, d. 28 July 1923, a. 73. Norman Keith JONES, beloved son of the above, killed in action Messines, 7 June 1918, a. 30. STTMO Sarah Ann, the beloved wife of Wm. JONES, d. 9 December 1886, a. 63. Not gone from memory, Not gone from love, But gone to her father’s home above. A loving wife, a mother dear, a faithful friend lies buried here. Also William JONES, d. 10 June 1891, a. 73. Farewell dear father, farewell, to a land of the happy & blest, after years of toil and sorrow, they spirit hath found its rest. [Bronze plaque added.] Sarah-Ann JONES (nee BARROW). Came to NZ on the Aurora in 1840. She was the first of the women immigrants brought to this country by the NZ Company to set foot on Petone Beach. 82. STTMO Eleanor JACOB, who d. 20 June 1946, a. 80, Clara JACOB, who d. 19 October 1947, a. 78. He giveth his beloved sleep. STTMO Margaret JACOB, who d. 31 January 1911, a. 77, John JACOB, husb. of the above, who d. 27 June 1912, a. 80. Thy will be done. STTMO Sarah Anne JACOB, who d. 28 August 1886, a. 21, Charles John JACOB, who d. 14 December 1894, a. 22. God is love. 83. [Probable grave]. 84. [Probable grave]. 85. [Probable grave]. 86. [Probable grave]. Row 13 87. ILMO Edward, husb. of Mary Ann CARTER, 2 October 1891, and of Mary Ann, his wife, 3 September 1912, also Edith, their dau. and wife of Charles MELTON, 2 July 1898, and mother of Kenneth Edward Charles MELTON, 2.6. 1898 – 30.5.1974. 88. IMO Lewis LOWNDES, a highly respected settler, who was drowned in the Harbour 2 January 1876, a. 62, and of his only son, George LOWNDES, who d. 18 June 1885, a. 43, and of his widow, Mary Ann LOWNDES, who d. 12 October 1906, a. 92. {McGill, Wgtn}. 89. ILMO Alexander, husb. of Grace NICOL, d. 14 March 1907, a. 67, also Annie Bella RAMSAY, mother of the above, d. 12 December 1879, a. 64, and of Grace, dau. of Alexander & Grace NICOL, d. 10 April 1878. 90. [Plot surrounded by wooden fence. No headstone.] 91. ILMO Francis Ward, son of James and Letitia PEARCE, d. 28 January 1883, a. 16 1/2 years, also their infant dau., Ethel May, d. 13 November 1882, a. 10 months. 92. ILMO James, husb. of Mary Amelia GEORGE, d. 10 January 1904, a. 47, Mary Amelia, wife of the above, d. 6 May 1950, a. 90. {-McGill, Wgtn-}. 93. William HARRIS, senior, Jesse HARRIS, George HARRIS, Sarah HARRIS, William HARRIS, Emily HARRIS. 94. ILMO Ellen, wife of J.W. JONES, d. 15 September 1911, a. 39. STTMO James GRAY, d. 21 August 1925, a. 63. 95. [Probable grave]. 96. [Probable grave]. Row 14 97. MILLIER: Charles Henry, 1861 – 1936; Annie, 1870 – 1951; William R., 1891 – 1965; Charles L., 1894 – 1972; Ethel W., 1897 – 1998. 98. ILMO David William LYSTER, d. 30 April 1896, a. 69, also Louisa Caroline LYSTER, d. 17 September 1896, a. 56. 99. The burial place of Thomas SMITH and Family. STTMO Ann SMITH, d. 14 October 1883, a. 71; Thomas SMITH, d. 31 December 1888, a. 87; Richard SMITH, d. 10 October 1889, a. 42; Victor Jubilee SMITH, killed in action at Messines, France, 30 March 1918, a. 31. [Headstone broken and lying under rose bush.] 100. ILMO Frank SMITH, b. 20 May 1869, d. 18 September 1884, also
Frances Sarah SMITH, b. 24 July 1842, d. 14 September 1890,
also Francis Wilson SMITH, b. Colchester, England 12 March 1836,
d. Wellington 12 December 1915. At rest. 101. STTMO Frances, wife of William BLACKEY, d. 27 August 1885, a.
75, also William BLACKEY, d. 16 October 1891, a. 83. Also Emily
Jane BLACKEY, d. 26 January 1944. Father in thy gracious
keeping Leave we now thy servant sleeping Blessed are dead who
die in the Lord. 102. [Plot surrounded by wooden fence. No headstone.] 103. ILMO John, husb. of Eleanor JONES, d. 25 April 1892, a. 52, also
Eleanor, his wife, who d. 16 September, 1912, in her 67th year, also
Edward Harold, their son, who d. 10 August 1920, in his 38th year.
At rest. 104. ILMO John Wm. Isaac SMITH, d. 24 January 1896, a. 19 years,
also Margaret Maud SMITH, d. 23 June 1908, dau. of the late Isaac
SMITH. {-Helyer-}. 105. ILMO our dear mother Levina Jane COOK, d. 23 November 1919,
a. 47. Sarah, wife of James COOK, d. 24 August 1899, a. 24, also
Reginald, son of the above, d. 8 June 1899, a. 2 years. 106. ILMO Henry Edward BROWN, accidentally drowned 23 August
1928, a. 54. ILMO Alex Thomas BROWN, accidentally drowned 23
August 1928, a. 51. 107. [Probable grave].
Row 15 108. [Probable grave]. 109. [Probable grave]. 110. [Probable grave]. 111. [Probable grave]. 112. ILMO Helen WALKER, d. 13 May 1897, a. 100, arrived in
Wellington by the ship “Arab”, 1841. Erected by her only son,
James. “Rest dear mother, rest”. STTMO James WALKER, who
departed this life 17 July 1916, a. 78, erected by his wife and
children. R.I.P. {-Hickmott & Son-}. 113. ILMO William GARDNER, d. 23 January 1893, a. 59 years, also
Elizabeth GARDNER, widow of the above, d. 6 February 1896, a.
59. 114. TTMO Mary Lole, beloved dau. of Mary Wakelin, born
Wairarapa, beloved wife of Joseph PAYTON, schoolmaster
Pahautanui, d. 12 October 1872 a. 26 years. 115. [Plot surrounded by wooden fence. No headstone.]. 116. ILMO William MILLEN, d. 28 April 1897, a. 42, William MILLEN, d.
27 December 1899, a. 81, Susan MILLEN, d. 10 October 1909, a.
83. 117. [Plot surrounded by wooden fence. No headstone.] 118. ILMO James BOON, d. 4 August 1898, a. 32. Calmly now the
words we say, Leaving him to sleep in trust Till the resurrection
day. Father in thy gracious keeping Leave we now thy servant
sleeping. ILMO Cyril, son of Arthur & Annie HARRIS, d. 15
February 1903, a. 5 years & 8 months. There’s a home for little
children Beyond the bright blue sky. 119. [Probable grave]. 120. ILMO Dragan DAJEVIC, 8-5-1938 – 14-7-1984. Loved husb. of
Dragica and father of Meri and Marlon. 121. [Probable grave]. Row 16 122. [Probable grave]. 123. [Probable grave]. 124. ILMO Eliza BOON, d. 12 August 1903, a. 31 years. Had we but
seen her still in life Watched by her dying bed Caught the last
flickering of her breath Pillowed her dying head: Our hearts, we
think, would not have felt The bitterness of grief God willed it
otherwise And now she rests in peace. Also Annie, dearly loved
wife of Arthur HARRIS, d. 11 January 1904, a. 27. Gone from our
side, how sadly we miss her Our dear sister Annie her memory
we’ll keep Ne’er to life’s end will we ever forget her Dear to our
hearts is the place where she sleeps. 125. [Probable grave]. 126. [Probable grave].