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People who died in prison or jail

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In today's society we use slavery as one form of revenge against those who were accused of doing an illegal act. And many people meet their end in places of incarceration. This project is here to list such people to help relatives find information about them.

This is not a project to demonise these people or turn their lives into some sort of spectacle. Being added to this project is not a mark on the individual or the family.

All people who have died in prison can be added to this project. Eventually we may decide that the list grows too large, and then we can start separating by some subcategories to be decided later, but we are not here yet.

For the purposes of the project we will consider those who have died in labour camps and in forced transit to fit the definition of those who died in prison, but if a person has been deported to a specific location within their own country and died there, it is sufficiently different to warrant its own list at some later time.