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  • Herman Garfinkel (1893 - c.1960)
  • Joseph Paulson (1825 - 1898)
    Ио́сиф Ива́нович Па́ульсон (1825—1898) — один из передовых русских педагогов второй половины XIX века, методист, редактор, общественный деятель.
  • Georg Konrad Uhthoff (c.1797 - 1863)
  • Lubim Lubim Conne, de (1845 - 1888)
    СПб Некрополь, т.2 Кон рож Кон двор. Любим Любимович Черемисинова Екатерина Николаевна Екатерина 19-124-1063 145 1870 Морск.соб 03.сен рож Кон двор. Любим Любимович Черемисинова Екатерина Нико...

If in your family tree you have persons that were faculty or pupils of Petrischule in St. Petersburg, Russia, please add them to this project. It would be great if within the profile description "About" there would be brief biography. Only add profiles of people who attended or worked in Petrischule up until its nationalization in 1918.

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Note: Only public profiles may be added to projects.

Saint Peter's School (Russian: Петришуле, German: Sankt-Petri-Schule), often referred to as Petrischule (the German transliteration of its Russian name) is a secondary school in St. Petersburg. It is one of the oldest educational institutions in Russia, having been founded in 1709 by admiral Cornelius Cruys (1655-1727).

In 1705, Peter the Great decreed that Protestant churches could be established in St. Petersburg. The first reference to the school is in 1709, in a letter (now in the Archive of the Russian Navy) by Admiral Cornelius Cruys to the Emperor (Peter) regarding the establishment of a Lutheran church and school at his estate, located on the site of what is now the New Hermitage on Millionnaya Street in St. Petersburg's German settlement.

In 1761, the German theologian, geographer, historian, and teacher Anton Friedrich Büsching was invited by the Lutheran community of St. Petersburg to be headmaster of the school at the Lutheran Church of Saint Peter and Saint Paul.

The current school building, at numbers 22-24 Nevsky Prospect, was built in the 1760s and rebuilt several times - in 1799, in 1876–1877, and in 1913–1915.

Among the educators who taught at the school are:

  • The natural scientist Erik Laxmann (1737–1796).
  • The philosopher and Latin scholar Alexander Galich (1783–1848), who was a teacher of Pushkin.
  • The writer Ivan Born (1778–1851), compiler of the first Russian language textbook.
  • The writer and poet Vasili Popugaev (1778 or 1779–1816 (probable)).
  • The philologist and pedagogue Nikolai Gretsch (1787–1867).
  • The mathematician Nikolai Brashman (1796–1866).
  • The physicist Heinrich Lenz (1804–1865), discoverer of Lenz's Law.
  • The phalerist (scholar of medals) Julius Iversen (1823–1900).
  • The physicist Orest Khvolson (1852–1934).

Famous former pupils

  • Nikolai Benois, architect
  • Leonid Breitfuß, seabiologist and Polarscientist
  • Alexander Brückner, historian
  • Otto von Böhtlingk, indologist
  • Daniil Charms, writer
  • Georg Forster, naturalist, ethnologist
  • Alexander Galich, philosopher
  • Michail Gromov, mathematician
  • Wilhelm Junker, explorer of Africa
  • Mikhail Kosakov, actor
  • Peter Lesgaft, anatomist
  • Lev Lossev, poet and critic
  • Yuri Lotman, literary scholar, semiotician, and cultural historian
  • Gregor von Helmersen, geologist
  • Carl Friedrich Keil, German Lutheran Old Testament commentator
  • Elisabeth Kulmann, poet
  • Friedrich Martens, diplomat and jurist
  • Nikolai Menshutkin, chemist
  • Maximilian von Messmacher, architect
  • Modest Mussorgsky, composer
  • Theodor Pleske, zoologist
  • Yakov Rekhter, network protocol designer and software programmer
  • Carlo Rossi, architect
  • Lou Andreas-Salomé, writer
  • Gennadiy Shatkov, boxer
  • Friedrich von Schubert, military general and geodesist
  • Victor Schröter, architect
  • Konstantin Thon, architect
  • Pavel Chichagov, military and naval commander
  • Fedor Linde, Russian revolutionary sergeant and commissar

Если в вашем генеалогическом древе есть лица, которые были преподавателями или воспитанниками Петришуле в Санкт-Петербурге, Россия, пожалуйста, добавьте их в этот проект. Желательно чтобы в описании профиля "О себе" была бы краткая биография. Добавляйте только профили людей, которые посещали или работали в Петришуле «вплоть до его национализации в 1918 году».

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«Петришу́ле» (нем. St. Petri-Schule) — одно из старейших учебных заведений России и первая школа Санкт-Петербурга, основана в 1709 году, носила следующие названия:

  • Школа при лютеранском приходе Святых Апостолов Петра и Павла;
  • Главное немецкое училище Святого Петра (гимназия);
  • с 1918 года — Советская Единая Трудовая школа СЕТШ) № 4, 14, 41 ФЗД, 28 ФЗД, 222-я и 217-я средние школы Куйбышевского района города Ленинграда.
  • В 1991 году школе было возвращено её историческое название — «Петришуле».
