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  • Drusilla of Judaea (38 - 79)
    Drusilla (38–79 C.E.) was the youngest daughter of King Agrippa I. Her first betrothal, arranged by her father, to Epiphanes, prince of Commagene fell through in 44 C.E., with her father’s death, when ...
  • Marcus Antonius Agrippa (b. - 79)
    Wagner, Sir Anthony Richard; ‘Pedigree and Progress: Essays in the Genealogical Interpretation of History’ Agripa, que perdió la vida durante la erupción del volcán Vesubio (79 d.C.). Leer más: Diccion...
  • Marcus Porcius (deceased)
    Gaius Quinctius Valgus, son of Gaius, and Marcus Porcius, son of Marcus, duumvirs, by decree of the town councillors awarded the contract for the construction of the covered theatre and also approved it.
  • Marcus (deceased)

Pompeii was one of a number of towns located near the base of the volcano, Mount Vesuvius. The area had a substantial population which grew prosperous from the region's renowned agricultural fertility. Many of Pompeii's neighboring communities, most famously Herculaneum, also suffered damage or destruction during the 79 eruption.

The names of thousands of residents of Pompeii are known, and the scope of this project is to document them and their stories.